Last couple of weeks struggling with arthritis in the figures. Any similar sufferers available to offer any advice would be appreciated. All our unseen doctor can suggest is codeine ….
I've got Osteo Arthritis,it gets me in the fingers and the knee, my Doc prescribed Celoxib, which definitely helps and is kinder on the stomach. I also found that those hand grip exerciser's helped but they have to be adjustable to suit how much discomfort you are in at the time
This may seem stupid I don’t know but we give our ageing dog who suffers terribly with arthritis cbd oil and I can honestly say hand on heart this stuff is a Miracle worker. She goes from quite depressed and slopes around unable to get up onto the settee to a dog that resembles half her age happy and can spring up onto the settee with little problem obviously this is a dog and I’m not saying this would be the case with yourself but for £20 it’s worth a shot and if you’re wondering it’s perfectly legal and can be bought in a whole host of places (we get ours from the antiques shop on old Doncaster road) we just and it to her meal
If it's persistent then a proper diagnosis of the type of arthritis you have may require a blood test or possibly an x-ray of your hand. When mine flared up in my mid-40's I was prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like Diclofenac, which worked for a while but produced side effects. I was eventually referred to a rheumatology consultant at BDGH and diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I have been on Sulfasalazine (a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug) ever since, which controls the condition very well, to the extent that I am now on a reduced 'maintenance' dose. What I would say to you is if it persists, keep on at your doctor (or possibly request to see a different one) and ask for a referral if you can't get relief.
I had Diclofenac once for a gout attack. It was given me at A and E. The strongest thing my Doctor has given me is Naproxen and Colchicine. I've been on Allopurinol for the last 10 years and haven't had a flare up since.
I just had one brief attack of that many years ago. Can safely say it was the most painful thing I've experienced!
Probably a daft question. You say unseen doctor. I have been having trouble with my hands and suspected arthritis could be setting in. Had the tests and came back negative. Believe it or not I was diagnosed as having low vitamin b deficiency. They are certainly improving since I started taking the recommended dose of vitamin b.
Hi GR Have you had a Tens assessment, to assess whether there neurological damage,or Xray and CT scan on your clavicle? The symptoms you describe can also be caused by damage to the intravertabrae of the spinal cord,through wear and tear or trauma. I agree it is extremely difficult for people to see their GP at the moment, especially in your case where you need referral for further tests. I don't know how old you are but you have to be firm if someone says it's down to your age,no it's not, unless proven so. Osteoarthritic pain has many causes and origins,which have to be investigated, often mistakenly by biomechanical tests when sometimes the cause is neurological. As for pain relief, I don't know what you are prescribed, if anything. For arthritic pain,entry level is Paracetamol up to 2 tabsx4 times a day or 2tabsx4 times a day Ibuprofen, these can be taken together or alternatively, if you can tolerate that. My first thought is that it is important to have that face to face consult with your GP. Hope it goes well for you.
I take cbd oil for my chronic back pain, I was totally pain free for months, first time in 25 years. It seems to have “worn off” a bit now but definitely done some good. The problem is you get what you pay for with cbd oil, you need a broad spectrum high concentrate - above 500mg imho. Which means spending about £60-£80 a month. And, no, it doesn’t get you high incase anyone was wondering!!!
Turmeric supplements. Please believe me, they absolutely work. And as they are herbal, you can pick them up at Holland & Barrett or even Amazon. CBD, above, is also a good shout as a quick fix to mask the pain, and not to be associated with getting ‘high’. But Tumeric capsules are fantastic.
grateful for your response. Checking on the internet, I see there are various strengths etc of Turmeric supplements. Any advice in that diirection before checking to buy some tomorrow would be most helpful.
I am not really an expert in all honesty. Last year, at only 45 years old, I developed arthritis in my fingers of my left hand. Tumeric caplets we’re recommended to me and, as I am not registered with a doctor, I gave them a try. And they truly did work. The swelling never fully went away but the pain is long behind me. I have since recommended this to work associates whose symptoms were far worse than mine, and it has worked wonders for them too. The ones I take, daily, are Holland & Barrett Tumeric & Black Pepper. Bit pricey at £25 but we’ll worth it.
The wife’s got arthritis, but is generally pain free now by going gluten free. Totally. No half measures. Isn’t as easy as it sounds as you really have to scrutinise the labels on everything as you’d be surprised what they use wheat for.
again I am so grateful for your advices…it’s a trip to Holland and Barrett’s tomorrow! If I may, I will let me know how I go on with them.