My wife has had a frozen shoulder since September last year and has been in a lot of pain and discomfort with pretty limited movement of her left arm. In March she started using cbd oil and while her shoulder hasn't freed up yet, her pain is now much much more under control. She would swear it's a miracle cure.
sorry to be a nuisance but can’t find the item you are recommending on Holland and Barrett website, Can you be more specific before I shop and get the wrong one. Grateful.
I have Reiter's syndrome. My first episode was in my teens. It causes acute and severe rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that often causes swelling in the joints. My episodes are so severe that it damaged many of my joints giving me osteoarthritis, which I've had my whole adult life. Osteoarthritis is from wear and tear on the body over many years. Or, like for me, from disease. Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to this damage. It is, therefore, important your arthritis is assessed. As @orsenkaht says, it can be successfully treated with medication. I am in pain all day, every day and have been for as long as I've been legally allowed to vote. I appreciate that those recommending turmeric are doing so with the best of intentions, but I urge anyone with arthritis to seek diagnosis from a medical professional and not let their GP fob them off. Being in pain all the time isn't fun.
The ex Ghurka lads at work have been raised on this stuff, they have it in milky tea, food, just about anything and swear by it, its a anti inflammatory, a detoxant and other things
My mrs uses turmeric with black pepper from H&B. And swears by it. A bit pricey and not always in the penny sale.( Buy one get one for a penny offer. A regular sale) Turmeric on it's own always is. You can sign up to their website. And the ones including pepper appear occasionally. my wife then stocks up for a year. Either by post or visit tarn.