All these pitch invasions aren't going to be taken lightly by the FA, what with the trouble in the play off games and at Everton midweek. I can honestly see all the Football league from Premier League to League 2 having to put up perspex fences around the pitches next season.
No need for any form of fencing Sledgehammer to crack a nut imo. If they want to stop it, clubs need to follow through with bans for going onto the pitch.
Your finger or eye needs to be your ticket. Then it's easier for undesirables to be locked out. Of course, that means catching people first, but shouldn't be that difficult.
Love to see young enthusiatic fans snapping the crossbar, its only a bit of fun. City can afford it. I agree with the OP something will change before a player gets hurt.
I think a few would act as a deterrent and then you wouldn't have thousands going on the pitch. The players too, shouldn't give shirts etc to those on the pitch, reward those that stay in the stands
I remember us going up to the prem and fans went on the pitch! No trouble then . Not every fan goes on to chin a player !
It's lovely at Anfield, all the players and their families on the pitch, the little ones kicking the backs around and the fans in the stands, everyone able to enjoy it together.
I mean, they did just lose the Premier League title and the chance of a historic treble (in terms of winning the league as one of the three). Let’s not pretend they wouldn’t have been all over the place had they won it.
Possibly, they seemed to have the stewards lined up swiftly. The point I'm making is it is possible to do it, I think it's better because then everyone can join in.
When it’s elation and celebratory, I don’t really have an issue with fans on the pitch. It’s when the idiots want to be causing trouble when there’s an issue. I don’t think they'll put fences up any time soon.
You’re not comparing similar scenarios though Helen. There was no desire from Liverpool fans to get on the pitch after the game today.
Screens shouldn't and won't be allowed but clubs simply HAVE to be much harder on bad behaviour. We've seen for years our own club basically turn a blind eye to it and we certainly aren't the only ones. Yes it's hard to stop when thousands try to get on but thousands only attempt to get on because when hundreds behave badly they get away with it. Hundreds only do it because dozens get away with it etc
The way to stop it is to ban for life, anyone that goes on to the field whilst players are on the pitch.