Peter Bone's comment. WTF.
Are you suggesting that the Prime Minister and the Met (investigation run by the brother ) of a cabinet minister have not been totally honest It’s not like they have any previous ….. oh hang on Im actually more furious at the Met as we can’t vote them out and their recent performance has been appalling
Technicallity you are right ( based on a quote) but not if you go by the song.,vid:Q-22LPgdXhw,st:0
Some briefing starting to emerge that DePfeffel orchestrated the meeting with Sue Gray in an attempt to drop the report as "everything was known anyway". I expect leaks will be aplenty now that civil servants have been fined and the liar in chief who attended the exact same events escaped them somehow.
It's not so much that they lied that gets me. It's the astonishing after-the-fact behaviour where they think they can talk their way out of it. They must think that a) we are stupid enough to believe them or b) they are so used to bending the truth that they've forgotten what is a lie and what is truth themselves. Like the bloke who was watching porn in Parliament and initially tried to explain it away by saying he was looking for a website on tractors. If that was me I'd apologise, resign and slip away, but their first instinct is to publicly say something so implausible and laughable that either they think we are really really stupid or they are just revealing their 'snakes in suits' alter ego. Pathological narcissism.
I think it's a mixture of a and b, but a mix of other things too. Elitism, power, the tightrope of playing with fire and getting away with it. Though DePfeffel is very much in a league of his own when it comes to self centred narcissism, the general tory party have got the stench of Majors last 18 months where scandal, infighting, lies and cowardice were common. The longer tory MP's leave him in office, the more damage they do to themselves, particularly at a time where pain is felt by the electorate.
They don’t think we’re really really stupid, they think we’re really really really very stupid. For evidence of this, note how many people voted for them at locals.
And would still vote for them in a General Election - hard to see why anyone than a multi millionaire with loads of offshore funds would vote for them but they do
So it now seems everyone in Government and the civil service thought the Covid rules were pointless. Interesting.
Nowt to do with the vast majority of the civil service, this is only about the small number who work in No10, and a reminder that half the staff in No10 aren’t civil servants but are political appointments. You can’t blame 400,000 civil servants for the actions of a couple of dozen.
Fair point I'm probably driving g at something different. I was in a mental health workshop recently at work and one of the questions was "did you Break lockdown rules" out of the group of about 25 only one person said they didn't. This was a cross section of the company with cleaners on minimum wage all the way through to the site general manager. Don't get me wrong I want this despicable government out of office as much as anyone. I just find it amusing they obviously didn't believe I the rules brought in but they are now been taken to task on breaking them. Karma.
It's perhaps also a sign of the post-Trump times we live in. Politicians feel immune to their own self-disgrace. Things that politicians say or do now 40 or 50 years ago would have ended their career. They can make terrible comments about grabbing women by the ***** or fiddle their taxes and the issue doesn't lead to resignations. The behaviour is almost expected of them. That said, maybe it's because the public themselves are increasingly immune to their own self-disgrace. There's so much 'reality' TV out there where people will behave appallingly on TV just to promote themselves and become famous, and be completely shameless about it. And we watch for entertainment, and the more we do so, the more that kind of shameless behaviour is normalised. I would die with embarrassment if my stupid comments were on TV and in the papers but there's a whole raft of people out there who are unconcerned with how they are perceived.
I can certainly agree with much of that. The barriers to protect decency are being washed away, intentionally by those in power, but also in general life. Folly, waste, hyperbole, humiliation, greed, self entitlement are now manifest on a regular basis in multiple spheres. What I would say though, you do have waves of trend. Populism has tended to fail at a governing level. Not in the short term, but when people realise and feel the effects of lies, the house of cards collapses. It's probably then a case of what follows and swiftly demonstrating that its better than what went before. But at this point, there is certainly a partisan feel. Finding any justification to support a preset stance rather than analysing events and actions and forming a stance.