Brexit, lockdowns and money printer go brrrr. A perfect storm caused by the Holy Trinity of utter stupidity. It's like watching 2008 in slow motion. It makes me feel sick.
On the bright side, come October I will no longer have to worry about choosing between heating and eating. I won't be able to afford to do either.
Under the tories it’s coming to a point where you can’t take a breath without making some rich guy richer. Why do we put up with it?
The only thing that would make this worse is hooligans going around smashing show windows, burning cars and looting, pretending that it’s to lower energy prices but really just wrecking people’s livelihoods. All it would do would give the Tories an excuse to take away more of our rights and it would harm the wrong people.
If energy prices rise to the tune of another £700 per household come October as forecast then I can see people demonstrating on the streets as they did with the Thatcher pole tax. And remember if energy prices rise every other thing like food and clothes rise leaving the poor even poorer and the rich richer.
You’re right. But it only takes the smallest, most unexpected thing to set things off in a way that gets beyond control. A security guard in a supermarket arresting a mother in a shop for stealing, while she’s trying to feed her children. Just one thing that releases a pent-up anger across the country. I fear that’s where we’re heading.
Thinking about giving heroin a go. I'm led to believe that things like hunger and warmth are not top priorities when you've got a solid smack habit. And a bag of opiates seems to be a lot cheaper than a bag of carrots. Particularly if you have to cook the orange motherf***ers.
Nothing. I was ready willing and able to do so over two years ago. I made that crystal clear on here and made a lot of enemies with how vociferous I expressed that. And I'm still ready now, tonight, I just don't have the influence to start it.
Apparently the first time you do skag it's ******* brilliant. Indescribably amazing. The best thing you'll ever do. And that's the problem, you're tied into chasing that high with diminishing returns and an ever growing dependency. But if I end up on cognitive decline or with a terminal diagnosis I'll be getting myself a bag of brown, because why the **** not?
I don't want government help,hand outs. There is no reason for the price rises, the cost of producing electricity has remained the same,the price of gas production has not risen anywhere near the exploitative rises. The cost of living crisis has happened because of 12 years of conservative rule,they caused it,they have no solution. What sort of government and country, allows energy prices to average £2500 per household, food prices to rise,these are the basics of life. What is it going to take??? Then there are the problems with transport, health,social care,education,low pay,cuts to public services,isolation from the rest of the world trade, Northern Ireland. I remember the 1970s clearly, and the early 1980s, it was never as bad as it is now. Their friends in the media will continue to blame others and support the indefensible. THE ENGLISH HAVE NO CONCEPT OF SHAME OR EMBARASSMENT. Rishi looks to be spending billions more on Thursday.
The only time they're willing to help people is when they need to do it to bury bad PR from the Sue Gray report. They're utterly contemptible. Anyone who votes for them next time needs sectioning. I can just about understand people not feeling convinced enough by Labour to lead them to abstain, but if you positively choose to vote for this shower of ****? I have no words. Sadly enough people will probably be lured in by the culture war nonsense, and believe that it's immigrants that are their enemy rather than the lovely people awarding contracts to their mates that dwarf the annual cost of asylum seekers. Schrodinger's immigrant - who is simultaneously leeching off the state and taking jobs away from salt of the earth Brits. If the Tories somehow manage to get in next time then I think we're past the point of no return. They'll be newly emboldened and empowered to take on the rule of law, separation of powers, independence of the press and judiciary - we'll see a war on all of the fronts that make up a modern democracy. The battle lines are already drawn. Whatever he does it won't be anything like enough. We have people turning down free food at food banks because they can't afford to turn the oven on to cook it.