What do we think about three of the Bournemouth pitch invaders being police officers, one of which is a superintendent. Talk about daft and lacking judgment.
Dont see problem if there celebrating we invaded the pitch when we got to the premier league i bet that day there was coppers nurses all sorts on pitch.
Apart from the fact that its against the Law and its not a great look if the police are doing it I agree there are more important things to worry about but 2 players have been assaulted in end of season pitch invasions and its not acceptable - best if fans stay off the pitch. You wouldnt run onto the stage at the end of a show so why do you need to do it at the end of a football match?
Yes i dont agree with people been assaulted but like i said look back through history fans have been invading the pitch to celebrate promotions survival etc for as long as i can remember. And the Bournemouth one was no trouble Shame a few brain donors spoil things.
I've mentioned it before but I invaded the pitch away at Walsall in 2006. I thought the final whistle had gone but it hadn't. I quickly ran back off again. My face was as red as my t-shirt.
Yes they deserve the bullet for rubbing on the pitch don’t they???? meanwhile we have a bloke in Parliament who has helped his friend’s make millions in the pandemic, lied about everything he has had his hand in and he keeps his job… really fair that isn’t it????
I ran onto the pitch as a kid after the Newport game, on the last day of season 80-81. We'd won promotion as runners up (from Lg one!), in what was my first ever season as a fan. So I just had to do it.