They all pee in the same pot though, and are surely all as bad as each other. Sunak was classed as a 'top priority VIP' guest when he visited, and our lot had to do some top quality brown nosing lol. It was all yes sir no sir, and can I pull the chain for you sir.
[QUOTEdreamboy3000, post: 2956463, member: 6800"]. You can tell he hates Boris as well and only puts up with him for the party.[/QUOTE] Fine!
Tory tactic of bribery with your own money. Usually only happens in an election year. Wonder if this will be one?
Sadly they get in because people like us vote for em..there isn't enough true blue upper class anymore to put em in power and although ya think voters at our level would kno multi millionaires like Sunak don't identify with us it's obvious the working class are putting em in ....mi mam used to call tory voters who are working class Ten bob millionaires...
Good grief. I hope that isn’t a majority view. If they tip Johnson out and get Sunak in, he’d win the next election if so. To be honest, I’ve no faith in the electorate of this country to suggest the tories won’t win the next election anyway.
If the electorate would vote to self harm with Brexit then they will vote back in these lying barstewards
Over a Boris I would as a Tory leader. They don't have much in the way of leaders the tories. His big problem yesterday was the £400 not being means tested so a lot of people who don't need it will get it when they could have given those who need the most a bit more.