It takes your breath away: Boris Johnson changes ministerial code to remove need to resign over breaches | Boris Johnson | The Guardian I particularly enjoyed: Johnson has also rewritten the foreword to the code, removing all references to honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability. Have his MP's no sense of shame?
I am no longer surprised by anything that these bunch of corrupt, lying and self-serving set of w@nk€rs do.
The rules should be adhered to as they were at the time when the breach to the code took place! Simple as. But they're his rules so he can do what he likes.
He and his cronies have no moral compass or integrity, so adhering to these as written is clearly not something they would be too worried about even if they were written as rules.
Come to think of it do we really need elections any more? I'm sure Johnson will get round to that one.
Maybe time is a great healer but he’s already overtaken in my book. A blagger shouldn’t have made it this far up the food chain.
I think he's actually far worse than the witch of Grantham. She at least told the truth to Parliament even if she was "economical" with it....
anyone who voted for him or ‘but Corbyned’ the opposition. It’s on them. Bleakly comedic that what people warned them about is happening.
Johnson is just disgusting everything he has ever done as been demising to the post he has held, he has done that much damage to this country that I'm afraid it will take years and years to rectify, and as for the Tory MP's that put this article in power, should never defecate in Britain again and if they do I hope its a hedgehog.