Terrible news. A great keeper in his day and one of the main reasons for Rangers domination in the 90's. Was also a decent cricketer.
Aye. That's the reason I developed a liking for Rangers. Nothing to do with religion. It was the influx of the English players under Scouness. Hateley, Roberts, Steven etc.
Terrible news. Didn't he suffer from schizophrenia at one stage in his career? Seem to remember Rangers fans singing " There's only two Andy Gorams"
Realise this isn't you, but I never get why people think schizophrenia is some form of multiple personality disorder when it is nothing to do with that at all. I've got no idea where that comes from but I've heard people use it before. Dissociative identity disorder is what they are thinking of.
Unfortunately things have moved quickly on The goalie has now been told he has between 4 and 6 weeks left He will be moving into a hospice where he can spend some quality time with his family Absolutely dreadful disease