Tbh, I'm gobsmacked that you think her one of the most horrible human beings. 3 women a week die from domestic abuse.
the online abuse she is getting - and has been getting throughout the trial - is vile. sickening. I imagine there are a LOT of abuse victims feeling terrified of speaking up right now.
Which is why she needs punishing. She has done so much harm. By the way she didn't get abuse because she was a victim. She wasn't a victim. she got abuse because she has falsely accused someone and falsified evidence
Honestly, the stuff she has clearly made up is insane. The amount of people he has had as witnesses that have completely blown everything she said out of the water leaves no doubt at all in my mind. She said he raped her with a glass bottle that may or may not have been broken, she doesn’t know (how on earth could you not know that?!). She sought no medical help over that and was out and about the next laughing and being completely normal, no sign of any injury or trauma. She said she had a busted lip, black eyes and bruises another time but was on tv the next day with no sign of any injury. She said she covered it up with a specific make up brand, one that didn’t exist until a year later. She had a purple bruise when she went to file a restraining order (that she’d told the press to turn up for) but it was supposedly 6 days since she’d been hit, and the bruise was still purple and the people she had seen in between those dates said she had no bruise.
do you think any of these judgments - 12 from 14 - present Depp as being wholly innocent of domestic abuse? https://www.theguardian.com/film/20...al-how-the-judge-ruled-on-14-alleged-assaults
Exactly, it’s bloody serious, and she has just lied and lied and undermined every one of those poor women and tried to set recognition for male victims back years.
Yes seriously. You, with such regularity, demonstrate horrible levels of misandry that you are unable to see that a woman can be the guilty party and are determined to victim blame the man.
she's obviously made a lot of $hit up. I imagine as soon as you start doing that, the things that may have actually happened, become very difficult to prove. you have to wonder what her legal team were doing when cross-examining her evidence. anyhoo, there's no doubt there's some deeply violent mysogynistic undertones to the abuse she's now getting.
Most of the abuse she's getting is from women. Women who think that making up false allegations harms their genuine cases so much
I honestly don’t trust those judgements in light of the evidence presented during this trial, evidence that wasn’t allowed to be presented in that trial as he was suing the Sun and not Amber. The judge (who had a definite conflict of interest by the way - look it up), said he found that 12 of them were ‘proved on the balance of probability’. When you read them they’re basically just things she said followed by ‘he likes to drink’ therefore he probably did it. Having seen what a proven liar she is, I think those judgments read very differently.
No, I just don't see it through your misogynistic lens that a woman that tells lies is the most evil of beings. Wrong to tell lies undoubtedly, but to rot in prison for life?
But you did say you'd happily see your own son charged following a false allegations because it would be good for women. She is an evil bitch. Don't like that? Tough
That's the thing. Anyone who's actually looked at it with an open mind can see exactly what's happened. Anyone who's looked at it with a women good, men bad, attitude will see it differently.