Just for you? Congratulations mate. I've been married to Anne now for ooh, 65.... Days. And we're still on our honeymoon
Congratulations to you and Crystal. I wondered how we'd got an extra Bank Holiday this year..... now I know
Happy anniversary. Longest relationship I've managed is 12 years. The love of my life is probably my Jack Russell Terrier, Fuzzy, although nothing funny went on between us, that would be horrible. She just loved me unconditionally. Never really found long term true love. Was there for a bit on many occasions. Glad you have. It's pretty rare these days.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Big lil many more to come and Golden wedding coincides with our Champions League Victory
Congratulations mate - I hope one day I manage that milestone too! (Tried to insert a party or celebration emoji - but no idea how!)
I have raised a few glasses this evening, to my best mates Mams n Dads(rip) & I raise a glass to you & Crystal. Best mates are a few days ahead of you Mi n Di are a couple of years behind. We picked the best All the best owd warrior.