Theyve got their timing all wrong, should have waited for the by-elections. They're playing right into his hands, he'll win comfortably then be home free to wreak more havoc for another 12 months.
He won’t lose, as unlike Theresa May, the cabinet won’t turn against him. Most know they are too talentless and unpopular to get a job under another Prime Minister. He’s mortally wounded, whatever the outcome. If the two by-election results are as bad as expected, then there will likely be another push to get rid - regardless of the rules. I’d say there is <1% chance of Boris contesting the next General Election.
He will conveniently step down long enough before the next GE so the electorate forget about everything and vote them in again.
Even if he did lose this, it would mean nothing. The rest of the cabinet are equally evil, and arguably more competent at it.
The vote would require at least 180 Tories to turn on Boris, I wouldn't hold your breath, he's a snake with cats lives.
He’ll cling on as this is his last chance to stay relevant. He’s incapable of resigning and Brexiteers need to stay appeased. The next election will probably mirror the Major/Blair era.
Meh he'll win the vote comfortably and then probably do well at the next GE. It's a waste of time but at least someone's trying I suppose.
I actually think this could be much closer than people think. Though I don't think he should be in danger of losing it, given the sycophants within the populist far right party at present, but I do suspect many who "support" him will have no issue saying differently in a private vote. I also think a lot of them will realise this is their one shot to cut him from the levers of power and even if he won by one single vote, Johnson will continue on and maybe even call a GE.
Booing his arrival at St Paul’s Seems to have done the trick , couldn’t exactly say those people were lefty activists
I suspect he'll win the vote this evening, but with a sizeable (100+) vote against him. I wouldn't rule out him losing the vote, but I'd say it's less likely than the above. Electrorally, for the Tory party, I think the first outcome is worse for them than the second. In the eyes of the country it will be a terrible look for them to keep him in place now.
I think there is a chance he has agreed to be thrown under the bus and this could be his out, but I doubt it. The only way he goes today is if it has been orchestrated by the party as a whole including the PM for him to go. Like others though I'm not going to get excited if he does get ousted, any other from them will be just as bad, if not worse.
Even if he loses the vote, I don't think he leaves today. He'd be in situ until a new leader was elected.
I want him gone but fear he will scrape home and cling on doing even more damage to the country. There is a risk if he loses a more competent leader and cabinet may see the Tories win the next election but its a chance I am prepared to live with as a wounded Johnson clinging on would be even more disatrous for the country