Was in Scarborough yesterday and went to the fish pan chippy on the front for tea. Fish chips mushy peas bread n butter accompanied by a pot of tea. So this got me thinking. What other instances are there where it's considered the norm to have a hot drink with a particular hot meal?
Only a full English that I can think of. I like it in Fish Pan Chippy but hope they have stopped with plastic straws this year.
The drink should always be taken after and not with the meal. Spoils the digestion otherwise, apparently.
Strangely enough i was advised by someone to have a glass of water with every meal, making sure i had a mouthful prior to digging in
agreed. Fish 'n' Chips and a fry up need to be accompanied by a cup of Yorkshire tea. The warm liquid helps to emulsify the fat. That is about as scientific as I get.