Dear Michelle Donelan. Just **** off and go and celebrate with your partner who made a fortune off the back of bent Tory handouts
The blokes got no integrity, morals or self awareness, he’ll see this as a massive endorsement of himself and blame anyone who continues speaking against him as an anti brexiteer
So there are now 448 MPs in the houses of commons that do not want Boris Johnson leading the country. How the **** does someone like that keep his job? The best criminal
Only a despicable PM aided by equally despicable Ministers would try to claim a victory on a day when their anti-corruption Minister resigns stating that the PM broke the ministerial code, and more than 40% of Tory MPs voted no confidence in him. This is the Tory Party of today, I hope the Constituents of those that backed him give them hell
Scott Benton get fecked mate. You're only backing him because he let you keep your job when you were caught fiddling the books you corrupt ****
The knives will still be out for him within the party, and if it looks like he's losing his grip I expect him to call a general election - either he gets a mandate from the public or he loses, but he would have been forced out anyway. Nobody else would gamble their party's position in such a way, but the bloke is a malignant narcissist and so he'll be more than happy to roll the dice - him remaining in power is far more important to him than the tories remaining in power.
I've been wanting to kick my boot through the TV all day. "We need to draw a line" "We need to get on delivering what the people want" List of pre-rescited bull shine.... Add infinity, add nausium No Boris. no every ******* Tory MP... The majority of this country and a fair few blue folk as well, want you to resign. For clearly breaking the laws that you signed off. Simple as that
Ill just say the truth here. The only ones who want him to remain are the bigotted 'bloody forriner' ******* who voted for Brexit because they're racist
If anyone's watching Sky news. It looks like a set up. Interviews outside number 10 with music blasting out as though a party is in full swing (likely at the gates further down tbh) Couldn't make it up
Its the anti brexit protestor. Can’t recall his name, but he’s often in the background on any interview outside parliament.
Doesn't that figure assume that all those in government backed him? Can almost guarantee that's not true
Many aren't/weren't. There's just a large crossover, hence the "those ones who did because they're racist". The fact is, if you take racism or anti-foreigner sentiment out of the vote, Leave loses.