If you just answered it from your own perspective that would be the answer. A yes or no. If no, you’ve turned down going to the World Cup when the reality is I didn’t really have a plan for going anyway. If you say yes, you’ve said you want to go but I don’t have anything to give you just yet.
You love to stir things up, but sadly that’s got nothing on the accusations of being on the payroll, taking bribes, and getting foot rubs. I’d struggle to give it a C-
We might end up with Partridge as a veteran player manager, and her playing Lynne his coach/assistant.
It appears to be about whether Mick McCarthy was offered the job of first team coach or asked if he was interested in the job of first team coach. The subtleties between the two possibilities escapes me and if there is a difference, the importance of that difference is even less tangible.
Bloody hell everyone it’s only been 7 weeks since we sacked Poya give them a chance to try to convince someone why it would be a good career move, can’t possibly understand why it’s taking so long……
I imagine something like: "Tha knows I dunt gerrart o'bed for less than twenty grand a week, dunt tha?" "Er........ Thanks for talking to us, Mick!"
I can't see why an out of work manager wouldn't take the job for anything other than footballing reasons. Any money is better than no money. Even if you don't particularly want the job. Better than nowt. Maybe it's just me.
I don't see how any 'manager' would take up a Head Coach role, be accountable for results but not have the major say in recruitment (which is the key to success or failure). We are only going to attract a foreign coach who are used to working this way or an inexperienced UK based coach (like the fella at Man U) who hasn't been a manager. This new board said judge them by their actions and I'm afraid we are becoming a laughing stock. They have had ample opportunity to deny the reports that they failed to turn up to a zoom call for further discussions with JFL, so can only assume that is true. They supposedly maintain an ongoing list of 'potential head coaches' so why it is taking so long to recruit one is baffling and what can I say about the so called due dilligence and questionnaire approach as part of the selection process! I renewed my season ticket for me and the lad but I am seriously regretting it. We have a bunch of meddling amateurs running a professional football club. We needed a change in approach/direction but nothing has really changed, except the Club is becoming less attractive to potential 'head coaches'
Either that or we go for forign coaches as they work for peanuts and we can put a biy out clause in like we did val and struber... only problem is last 2 we found have been useless.
7 weeks and counting. That just feels way too long. Especially considering that it was probably known within the Club at least a few weeks before he left, that he would be leaving.
What you're saying is pretty much on the money & I feel sure if you are regretting buying your tickets then approach the box office about a refund I'm sure they will oblige
There aren't many jobs in football these days where the 'manager' has complete control of transfers. We're no different to almost every club in the top two divisions. Football has moved on, but at Oakwell or at Liverpool they still have a major say in recruitment. If we replied to every Nixon rumour that isn't true we'd never talk about anything else.
Some just call it a day. Have enough money in the bank. Fed up of traipsing round the country. Spend more time with the family. (Warnock one of the exceptions. It's a drug to him) Mick is 63. Maybe he's had enough.