I don't think managers think like that. they're wired to win and always back themselves. very much doubt he'll be thinking 'yeah but am I good enough? what if I fail'? doubt that will even enter his head. I imagine he'll be thinking 'what I can achieve with even more resources'. and if he doesn't get the job, he's probably realised by now that his stock is higher than a sideways move from cheltenham where he's adored, to Barnsley where he has it all to do again.
I'm taking this with a big pinch of salt. outside of family emergency, the CEO shouldn't be anywhere other than on the phone trying to sort this out.
Oh for sure you are right. He is an ex player who will be determined to win and will back himself to do well at any job he goes to. If he is offered the job there at Blackpool he would be daft not to take it and good luck to him, I just think from an outside point of view he would be better with us in League one than them given he is still learning as a manager.
This red would be disappointed if we didn't make a fist of going straight back up. Even if we appointed Donald Duck. Now's the time to show some ambition because if we don't we'll lose even more support.
Never go back,and just remember when things went pear shaped first time round he went touting himself to Huddersfield.
That's why it's taken so long.. not to get the right man.. but "candidate have slipped by the wayside". Looksike Khaled is struggling to fill the post
Ridiculous this, all this fecking about. Should have a just got duff when we first asked permission to speak to him, if he was interested. if I was him I’d just say fook this lot
An extremely bold statement to make, mate, I'll certainly doff my hat to you if you're proved correct.
That's Leon's interpretation. But again, it will depend on who we announce. If we announce Duff, and given how early in the process we approached him, it would suggest candidates haven't slipped by the wayside. Also, what does that mean? Someone might demand twice as much as we're willing to pay. Have they slipped by the wayside or are they just out of scope for us and we move on?
Cheltenham to Barnsley isn't a sideways move though. We might hate on the club at the minute, but let's be realistic with our comments.
That’s your opinion. I’m not hating on anyone, and I think I am being realistic. With the momentum he has with Cheltenham, against a lot of the uncertainty and instability that still surrounds us, plus the fact that a Championship team has asked to speak with him, I don’t personally see us as a big step up for him. The fact that the Burton manager also withdrew, might suggest the same. If we were such a draw, for me we wouldn’t be where we are, 8 weeks later.
Cheltenham just finished in their highest ever league position in their history. I think their record signing is still Grant McCann for £50k (someone might correct me), and their average crowds were 4,000. That's not to be all 'Teams Like Cheltenham', but anyone suggesting it as a sideways move aren't stepping outside the Barnsley bubble. We might not be as upward a move as say Blackpool, but it's a significant jump up vs. where he is now and a natural step in moving towards jobs like Burnley - which I don't think he gets without taking on a club like us first. Will Duff see the same uncertainty and instability that we see? I don't think so. To your point about coaches backing themselves, he won't see the noise that we discuss and he'll see the potential at Oakwell if we get things right.
Surely If we had sold the club and our ambitions to Duff then I would have thought he’d have jumped at the chance but unfortunately although we will always be a bigger club than Cheltenham the cold truth is the club’s mindset is not and i think we are closer to them than some people realise.
I guess we’ll know soon enough, when we see who’s got the job. If it ends up being duff/warnock, many will say (me included) ‘was worth the wait, these things can just take time’. If it ends up being no one from the original shortlist, it will not reflect well on the new regime. People will definitely question the Clubs ability to attract the best candidates, and particularly how long it’s taken. Time will tell.