Clearly he’s the one tasked with finding a new head coach, it’s currently going spectacularly wrong, the guy is constantly failing. Time to cut him loose & seek alternatives.
Yes the longer he is kept in position I would have to question to competence of those above him, which in turn concerns me with the direction the club is heading.
Him. Neerav, Jean Cryne, James Cryne. Quay Robert Zuk...... whoever else all need heavy criticising. They are all happy making slight comments about the former co chairman last week or whenever but at least they could make a decision last summer. Right or wrong they actually made one.
I'd rather spend a bit of time getting the right head coach rather than jumping quickly and appointing the worst head coach we've ever had like we did last summer.
Nottingham Forest, the team that won the promotion. Hughton went on 16th September, and Cooper in 21st September.
Why though? If Warnock is in the reckoning it should be him already. I'd move heaven and Earth to get him in. If he's talking to us he's tempted.
How can we say it's gone spectacularly wrong when we don't know who the Head Coach is yet? The internal workings of football are never as simple as we think they are as supporters. I think we could have moved quicker, and it would have been nice to, but where we are come May 2023 will determine the success of the process and whether it was right or wrong, not whether we appoint someone on 2nd June or 14th June. Positive that we seem to have a fitness plan in place for those returning, and we're bringing the players back early as well. If a new Head Coach is in place before the players come back then we'll be well prepared for the new season - providing it's a good appointment.
Don't get this line about the longevity of the process meaning thoroughness at all. In my experience the most effective business processes have usually been the most efficient ones.
Sure. But you were making comparisons about last summer being better from a decision-making point of view.
Different sweeper' same old brush' dithering while our targets end up getting snatched from under our noses' why don't we learn' doesn't fill you with confidence for the signing of new players does it..
Completely agree. And indeed, the more things you add to a process, the more components that can go wrong. We have the data available, so that should all have been front loaded and taken into account before the process of getting a new coach even began, though as I think about it, just how much data is available for someone who has never coached a team before? There's always going to be subjective nuance and bias in the process. As I said earlier, as long as we have a coach before all the players are back, a few days isn't here nor there for me, but we have to be honest and say the stuff that has made it into the public domain doesn't cover us in glory.
there's a bit of time and there's too much time though mate. I can totally understand the frustration. we're now into the 8th week, plus however long the board knew that Poya wasn't going to be with us this season. is it a case of waiting to get the right man, or is it a case of we can't get the right man, and are now back to square one?
This is clearly true, but it does start to look like they are struggling to make a decision. A lot has been made about how important an appointment it is, and it's as if they're trying to find the perfect appointment. Look at Duff now. He's filled in the form, and they've spoken to him, they either think he's a good fit or they don't. So they should either offer him the job or move on. At the moment it seems as though they're hedging their bets and constantly wondering if there's anybody any better. The whole questionnaire thing is a bit strange as well, given we're approaching them and not the other way around.
But how do we know we haven't? As he's on a course, had an interview on Monday, maybe there's a set date to get an answer? That answer could come with conditionality, and then you're through the weekend, or taking an extra couple of days, before a final decision based on his family. You've then get an agreement to reach with Cheltenham, which could hamper you by another 2-3 days. Pure speculation. But then every post in most of these threads is the same, it just comes from a glass half empty perspective.