There’ll be some scabs among the Nottingham , Derby and even Barnsley If I were a Notts fan and scab being chanted to me it would have no affect and I’d be indifferent if I wasn’t a scab . I have Friend’s who are ex miners and some support Forest and some Mansfield and don’t bat an eyelid when the likes of Cardiff,Swansea, Sunderland ,Sheff Utd /Wendy, Leeds, Gillingham ,Chesterfield and others chant Scab these aren’t small town fans with small town mentality as some are indicating they are football fans goading other football fans for a reaction and if a Scab is offended on the meantime then all the better as far as I’m concerned . My Children know why there’s Scabs and so do their children , I’m more embarrassed with the Darren Ferguson Chants and the Reds Suspenders songs and your just s town fill of *****. Etc etc now they are worth being embarrassed and ashamed of but never see as much vitriol or condemnation as the Scab Song .
? There’d be no war films /Dramas etc if everyone did that in fact no historical references whatsoever . And definitely no learning , not that there’s much learning anyway otherwise there’s be no wars .
It's like chanting "Jimmy Savile is your dad" to Leeds fans. I'm sure there are one or two Leeds fans who he didn't father.
like I said. They should absolutely be aware of the history of the strike. It's still pathetic to goad eople who had nothing to do with it though in my book.
There’s victims who are suffering from that vile creature so should be treat with the contempt it deserves . The Scabs aren’t victims especially when they took the the blood money and held twenty pound notes up in the Scab busses windows smirking while we were suffering . However this isn’t about that it’s about whether a football chant is distasteful which it isn’t imo there’s lots more ugly pathetic horrible chants that fans should be condemning and below anyones moral compass
I agree and accept what you are saying CoT,but my experience of the UK elite and government, is a reluctance or refusal to do so. As a country we don't seem to learn from our past and so continue to make the present and future unpleasant for the majority of it's citizens. The UK is rather stagnated politically and socially, with a obsession over the last 10 years of returning to a time before the social deconstruction of the 1940s onwards. Think about the changes and growth, politically, economically, socially,of some european countries in the last 30years, compared to the UK. Admittedly, that might be difficult if you are a young person. I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on this topic, my father was a miner,my school friends went and had careers with the NCB. But,should I not forgive and try to move forward? Not forget,just forgive and try to reconcile as a person. As I say I won't condemn or endorse anyone's opinions but try to explain where I am. Sadly, as other people have pointed out, we still see in the north,the impact of the policies of the 1980s. Even worse and with more speed, we are seeing the massive detrimental impact of the past 12 years of a Conservative government. Which I believe will have a seriously damaging affect on the country as a whole and it's people.
According to stats. 97% of miners in yorkshire. Were on strike at the end of the year. 67% of North Derbyshire ditto 11% of South Derbyshire. I had a colleague at YW. from North Derbyshire who fought like no other. And for that reason along with his striking colleagues. It's not a song I subscribe to. Tarring all with the same brush. It was one for the picket lines for me. Of which I was a staunch attendee. Going beyond the walk back date. As there was another issue to deal with. (Another story for another day). But I also agree with Marlon. It pales into insignificance compared to the Ferguson song. Which is as vile as they come.
It’s a chant ,the kids that are chanting it are trying to goad a reaction not rewrite history ,it’s not being Malicious as other chants mentioned , if any are scabs and listening and are offended then remember your actions at the time when families were suffering and you or and your o comrades were his find suffering miners and there families .. If your embarrassed by it lighten up it’s a chant with the real meaning locked into us that were there and suffered . I’m not at all embarrassed by people chanting scab at Forest Fans or Mansfield fans nor am I enraged when they chant you’ll never work again by their youths . The real meaning to the real culprits will never go away but we move on the ones embarrassed by these chants don’t seem to be able to
Couldn’t stand watching England tonight so turned over to Sherwood, which was just about bearable until the appearance of Dick VanDyke as a MET officer. Hence I turned back and caught the final nail in the 0-4 coffin! What a depressing evening
The south Wales coalfield contained the staunchest supporters of industrial action. At the start of the strike, 99.6% of the 21,500 workers joined the action. This reduced to 93% by the end. No other area retained such a level.
Researching some of the stuff Marlon, Kent were the ones to come out from Day 1. Re the South wales miners. One incident at orgreave that I witnessed showed their metal.i was a couple of rows from the front lifted off my feet struggling to breathe lol. And this welshmen trying to throw his fists at the police shouting "we haven't come here for a push and a shove" I went picketing with Darfield main as I worked at Fence workshops (transferred from elsecar) my 3 partners in crime also from wombwell. But the welsh one was by far the most aggressive shall we say. Mad as an hatter. But brilliant at getting us past any police checks. His accent being a mixture of south wales/Barnsley. Some of his stories to the cops to get us through were hilarious. My best role was navigator. And police checks were very few. Only turned back once. And found another route.
Not sure of your D. Van Dyke. Point. But it's quite clear that the met guy is not welcome and its pointed out the hatred from the striking community. If it'd been a DI from another constabulary that point would have been missed. No one. believe me. Hated the Met more. Having been involved in incidents involving that particular force. I had a right ding dong with an ex met officer on a different social site a couple of years ago. With him saying they did nothing wrong. Fecking moron.
Was stood with some Kent miners at Orgreave . The scene is played out on Television news reels at the time . We were stood talking when the police charged the atmosphere at the time was calm and we were talking about BFC to the Kent lads having a laugh and Wayne and Russ were stood near by almost next to us (we all worked at Houghton Main ) The news shows a police officer first attempting to hit Wayne with his Baton then he grabs Russ( I’ll not print second names ) the guy in the red top and shorts , the policemen aggressively beats Russ to the ground , the scene is played on most news reels and documentaries about Orgreave to this day . The next shot is of Wayne being arrested and bloodied and shouting to the journalists to get in and see what these bstds are doing . (Wayne is now deceased ,RIP Wayne ) We didn’t know this at the time as we were pushed away by other police and didn’t realise till the evening news when we were home . There were quite a few from that little area we were congregated and a few Houghton Lads were arrested and faced the sack . We refused to go back to work after the strike on the designated day until management agreed to negotiate their reinstatement which at the last minute they did and we lost a lot of hard won concessions to reinstate them .