Dear Newsbot - thank you, really enjoyed that. I was just about to put my foot through the telly screen watching and seething at a truly rancid Question Time full of thick Tory boys and another right wing loon set in Nuremberg 1937 (sorry, Newcastle 2022) chaired by the Tory Party Chair (sorry, Fiona Bruce). Duff talks immense sense, he's clearly got a drive and purpose that our last two clowns could only dream of and gives an air of calmly being in full control.
Just how impressive is Michael Duff? wow! absolutely top class... now let's play our small part... let's be positive and support ... all of them.. amazing couple of months we've had... bring it on...
First time I've heard him speak (I'd never heard of him prior to a couple of weeks ago). I can't predict whether he'll be successful or not, no one can, not with any degree of certainty, but I can understand why he impressed our recruitment panel. He's eloquent and intelligent, ambitious but level headed, came across as honest and genuine. I hope he does well, he made a very good first impression on me. A likeable gentleman.
Oh my word, how refreshing is it to have a manager that not only understands the culture of the town, but also knows the league and is clearly a very intelligent and ambitious bloke! I am so excited for the season now, this bloke seems to be a total gem.
I posted in another thread that he seems very down to earth, very straight forward and no nonsense. What also helps him is what he's following. Asbaghi in particular, was extremely poor in the media and the contrast in mannerism, self deprecation and tone is striking, in a good way.
I thought Asbaghi was a much better head coach than Schopp who simply wasn't a football coach and was entirety lost without his backroom staff. At least Asbaghi had a plan and tactics. They weren't tactics I enjoyed and it's not how I like to see a team play football, they were so dour, but at least there was some organisation there which was blatantly missing under his predecessor. And I will admit that both managers were hamstrung by the personnel available. But Asbaghi's attitude, the constant claim that none of it was his fault (yes it was, not all, but take some responsibility man) his arrogance when all evidence pointed to him getting things wrong, and the way he couldn't even be bothered to divulge anything to interested, paying customers... Not a man I had any positive feelings about. Schopp seemed like a decent sort, just rubbish, or at best, needed his coaching team and was a personality manager, certainly not a coach.
Very much agree on Asbaghi's attitude. It got to the point where the interviews were pointless (a fitting word in many regards). Couldn't comment on injuries, player form, who he was picking, incomings or outgoings, contracts. Thankfully he's gone and I have sympathy for the fans of wherever he ends up next.
I'd suspect it would be somewhere in Sweden. He probably won't recall his time in english football with any fondness.
Very good listen. Impressive blowk. Not particularly fit the spreadsheet or selection process but anyone who'd I'd go for a pint with in my local is certainly a good choice. Good luck to him.
Doesn't anybody think its slightly bizarre that when he's asked if there's any transfer dealings going on bids etc. he said "not that i am aware of " 24 hours later a new player is announced. wasn't he aware of this transfer ? based on Locke park interview it was already done why didn't he say the clubs looking at a few players ,things in the works or something like that. saying what he said makes it look like he had no idea the transfer was happening or done maybe he didn't !!