A year before I became independently mobile and got a provisional licence and first motorbike (Yamaha RD125). Soon went to 4 wheels as I was lethal on 2
I remember when I was a nipper my Dad used to get 4 gallons of 4 star in his Ford Anglia and get change out of a pound note - that would have been late 60's None of this serve yourself stuff either always an attendant to fill her up
Horrendous, don't understand how it is the price what it is now when the last time a barrell of oil cost the same it was £1.19 a litre, it as everything to do with profiteering
Not disagreeing that there is outrageous profiteering going on but not sure where you get those figures from. Last time the price was around £1.19 oil prices were around $50 per barrel. They are now around $110 per barrel so clearly petrol prices will be significantly higher. The price has been falling for the last 2 weeks though so pump prices really should be coming down. Last time crude was 110 was in march when petrol was around £1.60 per litre
It was 99p per litre for unleaded when we weren't driving very much during the first lockdown. Two years later ots almost double the price.
We live in a rural area but the valley below has a road which many years ago was part of the main route to Rome. Much of it was built over the RomanRoad from Rome to Urbs Salvia the provincial Roman settlement now Urbisaglia. There are several filling stations within 10 or so kilometers along the road and one is at the bottom of our hill. Now I know for a fact he only gets deliveries once every several days as about 4 km away there is a busy filling station attached to a hotel with bar, cafe car wash facilities etc. Subsequently, he does not sell that much fuel. However along the road all the stations charge the same, all of them put their prices up , often 4 or 5 cents a litre on a daily basis (including our local one ) and they also drop (rarely) at the same time. One week they went up 20 cents in 3 days. Even though they are different brands they all follow suit. No one can tell me there is not a profiteering cartel operating. Currently 198.9 euros for diesel per litre (petrol is dearer than diesel here)
2s 6d a gallon plus quadruple green shield stamps. Them really were the days. THAT EQUATES TO 6.6 OLD PENNIES PER LITRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!