Yes, that's another factor for sure. You can go further into style of play (how many long balls do the defence play, what % of opponents press the first pass from the GK). The point I was illustrating and that I think this goes further to support, is that it's hard to use the posters stat to determine who is the better passer or not. It isn't a good comparison. What percentage would Pinnock have got in BFC's team last season and vice versa?
It's just opinion, isn't it? Like with Kane people have an opinion on x player via what they see from short clips and social media. We see every mistake a Barnsley player makes. So in the present, we will have a largely negative or more negative view of the current player.
Sorry, don’t get that at all. He’s playing against a far better calibre of striker than Andersen is. If you used that logic, you could take it further and say a non-league CB is even better, because he’s surrounded by rubbish players that are making him look bad. For me the benchmark has to be the level you’re playing at. Pinnock has both better stats and is playing at a higher level. Don’t see how anyone can argue the case that Mads is a better player. But hey.
I wasn't arguing he was a better player, I was arguing that you were using a tiny sample of data and presenting it like a fact that supports your argument, which it doesn't. Again, he's playing against a better caliber of player, but how often is he pressed by players other than attackers, who are notoriously bad at tackling. It's a perfectly reasonable assumption that being able to give the ball to a better player, in a better team, with better movement could result in a better pass completion than someone in a poor team. If you've played much yourself you probably would have experienced this to a degree when playing in better/worse functioning teams.
Except the stats don't measure what the team mates of either Pinnock or Andersen did with the ball once they'd received it, so the quality of their team mates isn't a factor. All they measure is, when in possession of the ball, how often they were able to pass it to someone wearing the same colour shirt. And Pinnock did it much more often than Andersen. *Edit - Your argument suggests that it's easier to look like a good player in the Premier League than the Championship. The claim being that the better the team is you're playing for, the better your own personal stats will be. So, for instance, if I played Sunday League football, which is my level, I'd get a baseline for my pass completion, but the further up the football pyramid I played, the better my stats would become. So if I got a game in the conference I'd be completing more passes. And if Man City gave me a game I'd be spraying the ball about all over the place with a 90% pass completion. It's a nonsense argument. The higher up the football pyramid, the better the opposition, the more difficult it is. Everyone knows this. That's why the good players play at the top level and it tails off from there. To suggest you could take a player from a lower league, put them in the Premier League and see an improvement in personal performance is just bizarre. It completely loses sight of the fact that there are two teams playing football, one of which is opposing yours. And the standard of the team opposing yours in the Premier League has world class athletes that will make you look like a donkey within 5 minutes.
I've blocked him now. Should have done it ages ago. Can't stand the kid and his various posts under various names over the years abusing good, honest Barnsley players and favourites. I'll let everyone else enjoy his free speech moving forwards.
Worth the fee just for those two winners! Having said that, I wonder if were still paying part of his wages at his new club
I can't stand him either but it's a waste of time blocking him because it ruins every thread he's dipped into. I just skip past his posts.
I'm a bit confused. You seem to think that when playing at a higher level you have better teammates so therefore it's easier to pass because they have better movement. Doesn't that completely ignore the fact that the opposition midfielders are also much better at marking and intercepting passes in higher leagues? When YOU have the best teammates compared to everyone else then yes of course it's easier, when you don't it isn't. I would say that the gulf between Brentford and the top premier league teams is much bigger than the gulf in the championship. Those stats alone prove nothing. But having better stats in a newly promoted team against the world's top players would suggest someone is better than a player with inferior stats in a lower league against weaker players
Calling someone a bellend or a moron or any personal insults can't be allowed on here, ir has to stop. Use the ignore button or skip their posts. People have different opinions and we ignore it or reply without abuse. I remember posting abuse at Hemsworth Tyke a few years ago in a post which I have regretted doing ever since. I have also been called a cxnt etc on here for having a differing view. It can't happen anymore just ignore or skip. Free speech and abuse are not the same.
I've blocked him now. Should have done it ages ago. But there's nothing worse than thread after thread being polluted by his idiocy, agendas and bias. It grinds you down after a while. And I still stand by my post.