Sadly he's already back at his desk. Well, he probably isn't... at his desk that is, as that would entail him doing work and not pointless PR photo ops. but he's back in no10. A sinus op allegedly.
Where's a dangerous, incompetent Anaesthesiatist and Surgeon, when you need them. Only joking,for the benefit of my friends at GCHQ. Moving on,it's hot today isn't it.
To be honest Boris went in for a circumcision operation this morning the surgeon took one look and said this operation is impossible.... There's no end to this Pr 1 ck
For balance, I'd rather get back to the footy. Or things that have a more positive effect. It's utterly depressing living under their rule, and now we have obsessive, daily updates on the BBS. These threads don't even generate debate because we all seem to be of the opinion that they're scumbags. But people can't seem to help talking about them constantly. I feel like we need to change the record.
Just out of curiosity why did you jump into the thread if you’re fed up of politics ? It’s clearly marked and there’s football threads galore to jump into .
Exactly that, curiosity. But curiosity killed the cat. I find the growing BBS obsession with the Tory party very worrying. They're never going to change, and we're never going to like them. So what good can come from it?
Seems a bit masochistic to jump into threads you don’t want to read tbh . I usually look at the titles to get the gist of the thread , granted it doesn’t always work that way with some titles a million miles away from the actual content . I think you’d be a lot happier and less grumpy in you posts if you just replied to the posts you are taking an interest in and ignore the ones that makes you irksome .
Thanks Marlon. I mean, 'Boris in hospital' did pique my interest. I don't wish him any harm necessarily, but the title pulled me in. As you say, you never know what the exact content will be based on a title alone. As for masochist-as-observer, that's a bit strong; I'd argue the thread creators are the true masochists when creating threads in a Tory context. I derive no pleasure from these threads, whereas the creators and the pile-on posters clearly do, and seem to fit the definition: 'a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.' Maybe you're right, maybe I should just stop clicking on any thread that looks like it may be all about the Tory party - the trouble is, my options are then very limited on what I can read, as the BBS is littered with Tory at present.
Strange that, on the day he goes into hospital for a sinus operation, Daniella Westbrook is trending on Twitter with people discussing her similar operation
Boris in hospital intrigued me. I was hoping for a relative of someone who died in a care home managed to get to him. And beat the **** out of him. On a serious note. (I meant the above btw) I enjoy the comments of folk on this board as I think I've generally come to know them. Be it for something I like or don't. The subject is not an issue for me. But it's better than other social media outlets. Posting comments to folk who I know nothing about. (even if we are under aliases)