But they didn't because the guy is like teflon. So instead we can all be disappointed Johnson escaped a beating.
Thanks mate. I don't want to be misunderstood on this thread by the way, i just think the Tory threads don't go anywhere, they just create more misery, because that is what the Tories are, a misery-inducing rabble. We all agree they have wreaked havoc, and we're all angry that they're still in power. Anyway, who am I to say what people should and shouldn't post. I, like you, really value the contributions to this board, and as you say even with the aliases it's like we all know each other in some way. I'm not on any other social media and i really value the BBS. Apologies for my grumpiness on this thread. But the Tories caused it!
I wish it was the case that we all agree the tories have wreaked havoc. We should be all too aware after the last decade or so that silence can't only be construed one way. We had "shy tories" then we had "lending votes" and there are significant numbers here, in our little microcosm, that fail to countenance the destruction of everything from media independence to a robust electoral system to the rule of law, to lies, fraud, cronyism and corruption to good old fashioned incompetence and waste of tax payer money. But when push comes to shove, the dissenting voices in this place are minimal. When compared with those that are silent.
To be fair just scrolling through the main page theres 8 threads relating to politics. Some weeks more than this it does get abit tedious. Many posters post more about politics than football i wouldnt be against a separate part of the board for political threads or just one big political thread.
Would that be before or after deporting the nurses looking after you? Just so I know which way around it is.
I’m loving the rumour that this is a more coke related nose surgery. Blasphemous rumour probably. As believable as thinking he was at deaths door with Covid though
Apparently he's had an annoying boil removed from his arse. That's the last we'll see of Dominic Cummings