Expected to take over as Cheltenham;s new Head Coach on Monday, according to their local press. https://www.gloucestershirelive.co....gham-city-bristol-burnley-bournemouth-7254694
I saw that earlier,I was half expecting him to join Michael at Oakwell. I wouldn't have a clue now who he's fetching in with him.
Duff just on Talksport. Confirmed Wade was just going to get job today. Then said 'oops I hope I haven't dropped him it!' ...... But it wasnt made clear which job? Our vacancy or theirs. That's how I heard it. He was on at 830 if anyone wants to listen back.
How long before the 'Wade Elliot was the real brains behind the success at Cheltenham' comments start on Twitter
https://www.gloucestershirelive.co....s/former-bristol-city-birmingham-city-7259146 Confirmation from their owner that Duff wanted him to join us at Oakwell.
Been a tad quiet this morning work wise so been having a nosey at the players who were also in that Burnley side with Duff and Elliot that he might bring in to Barnsley. Andy Gray our former striker was part of that team and knows the club of course. He also was a coach at Leeds at some point (not sure if he is anymore) so could he get the call. There is also Steven Caldwell who up until recently was the assistant manager for the Canadian national team. He also does some analysis work over there for some Canadian team. Given Doug said the coach is currently overseas, could it be him? Probably neither is correct, but its been a quiet morning work wise so needed something to look into.
https://www.gloucestershirelive.co....r.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar Geography seems to be the reason we didn't get him.