Wendy are £20-£34 Adults based on category A+. A. B. C and D. And stand. Their opening game on the Kop v Portsmouth Adult cat A+ game , Is £28. So I'm guessing that's what we'll get charged when we play em. As for Barnsley. I hope they take the cost of living crisis into account and do away with categories. (But Include reduced priced ticketing for those on benefits with proof)
Five categories talk about overkill and complicating something that should be simple. There should be one price regardless of who you play because you're going to watch your own team so the 'name' value of the opposition shouldn't come in to it.
I don't think Chansiri has any idea of the impact of the leap in the cost of living. Only trying to cut HIS losses.
I'm totally wrong on this with my opinion but it should be the same price for every game,irrespective of the opposition. You are a renting a plastic seat in the open air to watch sport for 2and a half hours,weather conditions variable. This highlights yet again, the problem with the football industry.
History tells us there’ll be categories, and reciprocal pricing. I think the club would like to run a £20 single price but basic economics makes that impossible. I’d be absolutely gobsmacked if that changed this season. So the best clue for our prices will be last years L1 prices.
Its bonkers. Eg Wendy 1st game Portsmouth Cat A+ 2nd game Charlton. Cat A so cheaper. What possible reason is that Justified, For me no other than they will be able to charge pompey fans more. (comparable view to kop) as they they will turn up in big numbers. With it being the first game. Taking travel into account pompey fans should feel aggrieved. More so than wendy fans.
Both games sat in the same ground in a plastic seat but different prices. No justification for it. All it does is give a team talk to other teams who see the pricing for when they go there and see they aren't rated as highly as other clubs.
Clubs should really be allowed to charge away fans the same price as they are charged in the reverse fixture without penalising their own fans.
Did t whitey say that he thinks (or he doesn't know for sure) that we might be getting rid of categories this year?
Hate reciprocal pricing. The only people that suffer are fans. I'd rather the club approach the other publicly about reducing their charges and publicise the outcome. Another solution. The EFL should bring in a maximum charge for away fans as does the premier league. Some clubs in the premier actually charge less. This, " charge theirs the same as we get charged at their ground" Its the fans not the owners who bear the brunt. Gives me no satisfaction whatsoever.
It’s all about finding the sweet spot where you get the maximum number of attendees at the maximum price. No good halving the cost of tickets if no one else comes, and no point having premium prices if it halves the number of pay on the days fans.
I think it`s 30 quid in the prem.Twentys plenty in our division especially with increasing travel costs.
£30 cap till 2025. And now part of PL rules. Initially a thing put forward by PL supporters groups. A number of years ago. Started in 2016 I believe. I also think the EFL supporters groups are fighting for something similar.
£20 is fine I think the average per game for season ticket holders is £14ish not everyone wants or can afford a season ticket so let's make it as affordable for pay on the day as we can and get oakwell as full as we can.