OK so it's more just a curiosity for me rather than a actual issue. Next doors dog is always barking. We have a path that goes along the back of the house (though it's a 10 feet from our back fence. Anytime anyone walks, cycles past the dog barks and continues to do this for some time. If my kids are in the Garden it barks constantly. Now one of my kids is very loud (ironically the none verbal one) so I understand why that sets the dog off. When the dog does bark the owners just seem to talk to it as if it's a person "what's wrong?" "Calm down" "don't be silly" ect. Then, when I assume they are fed up they just take it back in. While it's a little annoying I'm conscious of the fact my youngest is very loud too and I certainly have no intention of bringing it up. I'm more just curious is this normal for some dogs? (I have no idea on the breed ect I know next to nothing about dogs) or is it a case of them not training the dog correctly/at all. I do note that they very rarely walk it and instead employ dog walkers.
I was going to say every time it barks shoot it with a catty...but it would be better to shoot the owners seeing as its their fault...well trained dogs dont bark at nothing
Dogs do get territorial but it’s generally when they haven’t been socialised well. The dachshund over the road goes crackers anytime anyone walks past. They never took it out further than the front garden for the first couple of years though so it sees the wall as a definite barrier between its world and the outside world. Some breeds are far more prone to barking than others.
Our latest dog is more prone to barking than any other we've had. But it tends to happen when he feels Crystal & Laura are threatened and is very protective of them.
Some people like being warned that people are about… it’s the training that isn’t happening. My dogs will bark if they see someone on the drive, but will happily watch them walk past the house…
Dog next door to us, lovely little thing, can't handle being in the house alone. Cries for hours. Good family like, and he's well trained but God he gets upset when they are out. Some racket.
My dogs protect mine and my neighbours garden, they only bark when someone walks passed which is about 10 times a day for half a minute maximum. I think we are all happy with that for the piece of mind nobodies going to try get in to our homes and garden. Best burgular alarms ever.
Well dogs do bark. For various reasons, it's how they comunicate. Dogs are like people, each dog has it's own personality,some will bark a lot some very little, Some breeds bark alot, others not so much, sometimes it's learned behaviour, for instance my golden retriever is typical of the breed, easy going, laid back and friendly but she goes barmy when any one comes to the door, not cos she's a good guard dog but cos she wants a biscuit, learned as a puppy because friends and family brought biscuits for her when they visited now she thinks when anybody comes to the door it's biscuit time. If she's in the garden and she hears another dog bark so will she ( comunication ). We've got a field on 2 sides of us and sometimes she'll hear a cat or a rabbit on the other side of the fence so she barks a warning to it. If it goes on too long we'll make her stop or bring her in. As to owners talking to them like humans, most of us do, they are part of the family. Boredom will play a part as will the guarding instinct, if it barks at people using the path see it as a bonus, you've got a guard dog for nowt.
The talking to it like a human part. Yes I know nearly all dog owners will do that. It just seems from what I see/hear that's the only way they talk to it. I've never seen it pay any attention to them, it would be my guess they have little control over it.
That could be true, like human children, dogs need plenty of love, good snap and a degree of discipline. Barring psycological problems there are no bad dogs only bad owners like bad parenting leads mostly to bad kids.
On my Industrial estate one of the owners take their dog to work everyday, if someone walks past, he follows you all the way down the fence and only barks if you don’t say hello to him.
My dogs are very well trained but the breed barks, don't ever buy a Miniature Schnauzer if you want a quiet dog!! Thankfully they only go out back and there's nobody there apart from neighbours, when they are inside they will bark at anything they see coming down the street. When we go on a walk one will bark from the minute we leave the house to getting back home and while it can sometimes be annoying nobody comes near me which I'm more than happy with
depends on the dog ( more the owner) . If you are really close could be a protection ‘warning’ thing or just because they haven’t been trained properly. There’s some near us about 3 doors away bark when we go out of our back gate no matter how quiet we are so wouldn’t blame your kids.
Hands up, I've never managed to stop mine from barking ( only barks with excitement and at squirrels in the garden so not that much) If I hear him bark continuously i just bring him in.
My dogs bark, they sound like hell hounds. Until you open the door and then they are like big puppies. They are being protective of their territory.