they should investigate this. But as the only man who can initiate an investigation is Johnson himself I won’t hold my breath.
Hold on, didn't a Health Secretary resign in the last year for having extra marital sex whilst at work...? Ergo...
Are these Torys Sex-mad one was looking at pawn on his phone in the house of commons not long ago and now its alleged johnson was having a blow job on a sofa in the foreign office while still married to his wife who was ill with cancer, What next.
Probably a blow job from someone else while Carrie is busy choosing wallpaper for the sprogs' bedrooms.
Why didn’t any other papers run with it? Surely one of the red tops would have a field day with this one?
This is what I was thinking but it relies on them getting the sources to talk to them. The Mirror will be doing what they can as we speak I'm sure.
Yerbut when you post that hookline everyone is bound to read it, amd now I am stuck with it. In my head. Foreeeever ADMIN: SURELY A TWO WEEK BAN FOR JAMDROP FOR THE OP CONTENT !! EEUUUGGHHHH!!
Not quite. Carrie was the mistress at the time (and doing the deed) - this was while he was married to his second wife around the time of her cancer diagnosis...
What gets me with stuff like this is do the likes of the Carries of this world think that their partners will never do this again? Hardly the greatest foundations for a trusting relationship is it?