Separately to the Tory thing, what’s the most innocent search you’ve done and come up porn When the kids were young once googled Fred Flintstone and got a picture that I was glad they weren’t looking over my shoulder! Still not sure how that happened. Also know somebody looking to go on holiday who searched camping and got some tent poles they weren’t expecting
Some years ago...My little pony....very graphic to say the least...some perv had placed it amongst the kids video section on the net Unfortunately the granddaughter and my daughter ( 9 months between them) were sat watching it intrigued but both wearing puzzled looks on their faces .....
Not quite the same, but I was asked to explain an unusual Google search on a work computer once. In a bit of down time in a former job, we were trying to guess each countries top Premier League goalscorer. E.g. Georgi Hristov as Macedonia's (or at least he was). When we got to North Korea, one of the lads on my team was convinced that Arsenal had a North Korean player. Of course, I Googled 'North Korea Arsenal', and rather than images of Park Chu-Young (a South Korean former Arsenal player), it returned images of tanks, anti-aircraft weapons, and a Wikipedia link for 'North Korea's Weapons of Mass Destruction'. Whilst the honest answer still wasn't work appropriate, it was deemed significantly more innocent than the reality.
When I worked for Gents, we bought a new content filter which had an in-built dictionary of terms that were banned. Some of those terms we had to look up to try to work out why they were banned...
A friend of mine (no, genuinely) is a big, lifelong Wet Wet Wet fan. Back in the 1990's, in the infancy of the internet, search engines had far more simple algorithms. Excited at her first time "online", she searched on Lycos for her favourite band and every page containing three instances of the word "wet" were returned. As you can imagine, not many related to the band!!
On here. I once saw a photo of what can only be described as a bloke who looked like a stick of dynamite had gone off in his ar5e.
That time i went to Clearview video shop down Station Lane Wombwell and wanted to rent out Top Gun and somehow ended up with Busty Lesbian Babes mud wresling volume 5.
Off topic I had a w@nk in bed this morning whilst Laura was downstairs. She came back up for George's school uniform and pulled back bed sheet and I'd spunked on her side of bed.