Seem to remember having a bit of a crush on her when I was a teenager a long long time ago Good excuse to dig out this classic from Top of the Pops in the 1970's which is when she first came to my attention
I saw Blondie in May. Considering Debbie's age, they were fantastic from start to finish. And it wasn't a short set either.
77 bloody hell. According to wiki Blondie formed in 1974. Heart of glass 1978. I'd Got it in my head they burst on the scene early 80s. Mrs thought same as I would have. Late 60s at worst. Not a big fan as such. but knew her songs.
I remember hearing Denis Denis in 1977/8 in a pub in Newcastle (The Pineapple I think) then seeing them on TOTP a few days later, I was hooked....
Great band Blondie that encapsulated the New York scene of the time. Disco, punk, new wave, etc. They were a superb band & Harry was a heart throb to all of us of a certain age.
I thought exactly the same. I would have put it as the start of the 80s, which means she was mid thirties at that point?? I would never have guessed that. We all had crushes on her at school and in reality, she was older than my mam. That's just wrong.
Saw her at Warwick Uni in 1991. She was absolutely smashed. Could barely stand up, let alone sing. I’m glad she’s turned things around - she looks in better shape now than she did 30 years ago.