Yes - I used one both times I went into labour. Did a decent job for a few hours. i’ve since used one for back pain and I’d say that was far more effective. You turn the frequency up to whatever level you can tolerate - it then stimulates the pain receptors.
I have one, but find a heat pad better. One of those you put in the microwave for a few mins, then sit somewhere with the heat pad pressed against your lower back. Always helps with mine.
We've got both the tens machine and a heat bag and they both have benefits. Lloyds chemist do one that's as good as any
My chiropractor said never to use heat for injuries, always cold. Whilst heat feels good it's not really beneficial.
Yes, got a circulation booster that came with a few pads that you can connect to the booster, it's not a total cure but it does wonders for the pain for a while & over time you should notice some improvement.
This is what I find so confusing - I’ve had two different physios tell me exactly the opposite things regarding injuries. The one I think makes most sense is Ice/ cold to reduce any initial pain / swelling then heat to improve circulation and disperse the injury. Maybe it’s different in the back ??
I went a few weeks ago and he said "Chiropractors stopped recommending heat for injuries 10 years ago." I don't remember the exact reason but I think it was something to do with too much blood flow being bad for the tissue. Probably why all sports people use ice baths these days. Also said never to stretch forward under any circumstances to ease a stiff/painful lower back. My Mum had a tens machine, she was in awful pain and said it did help somewhat.
Yes they are fine providing you don't have the power turned up too far or else it feels like your b.ollocks are being sucked through your ears.
I’ve had chronic back pain for 6 years and have been told it won’t ever improve so I use whatever takes the edge off, plus i scream like a little baby if I put an ice pack on so heats my go to. If it’s a new injury you hope to fix then maybe cold is the way to go.
I’ve had chronic back pain for about 25 years since I had a prolapsed disc from football/squash in my early 20s, summary of things I’ve tried: Chiro/osteopath - not much between them, both provide temporary relief from pain - better for if you have an acute phase - 7/10. physiotherapy - didn’t find much help from the few I tried - more rehab exercises to get you moving and some strengthening, but 10 minutes in YouTube is more helpful - 5/10. alexander technique - teaches you better posture and thinking about you movements, good for stopping you making it worse - 6/10. acupuncture- good for immediate pain relief if you don’t mind being stuck like a pin cushion, also cured my hay fever for a while. Chinese definitely onto something. 7/10 reflexology - who doesn’t like a foot massage? Provides good pain relief and is super relaxing 7/10. Yoga/stretching - went to a few lessons at the gym and also watched a lot of YouTube - I now do 15 minutes every morning- really good at getting you unstiffed when you get out of bed -9/10. CBD oil- actually “cured” my back pain for months, it’s come back since but it definitely does something, maybe on a diminishing return over time. You have to pay for the good stuff though. - 8/10. Conclusion- I don’t belief I can be cured - but actually doing the yoga and stretching makes it more manageable these days, wish I’d done that before I ever had back problems - if you do nothing else find 15 minutes in a morning and get stretching! It’s also free!
At the moment I need help to put my socks on but it has been suggested along with Pilates for the future , I’m at the spine injection phase at the moment which I’m not too sure about . My wife’s done Yoga all her life and has never had any serious illnesses,
Me too diagnosed prolapsed discs . Tried all the above but found out of everything you used Osteopath was the best return. However I did use CBD oil good strength and this was bought for my knees . On reflection I can't remember struggling with back pain when using this. I've since had a knee replacement.,and this as prompted me to order some more CBD oil. Thanks for the reminder .
Sorry to hear that mate. You can start it up very slowly and ease yourself in. Would highly recommend it if you can manage it.