Thinking about this, I now work in a multinational company - with offices with ~60 countries. While we might understand the gender of most common British names, do you know for certain the gender of Indian, Chinese, Brazilian, etc given names without a photo or other clue to their identity? (even with an inch high photo it can be hard sometimes!). And some cultures can take offence if you get it wrong. Halifax is part of RBS, which is part of the Lloyds Group - another multinational group with staff in multiple countries. This is probably aimed more at internal staff communications than it is at customer facing communications, but is being more inclusive.
for info, rbs is part of the NatWest Group, not Lloyds Banking Group. I'm guessing you're thinking of bos
Maybe it’s a misunderstanding of what transphobia is. maybe some people have pushed the definition of trans rights so far that they not only believe they should override sex based rights*, but any questioning of whether they should gets called transphobic. *legally in this country they don’t - but that reality is only just beginning to dawn
Maybe extremists on both sides of the debate don't create an environment or language for understanding and empathy.