1 - Deffo 2 - Lezzer 3 - Yes 4 - Fit as .... 5 - Yep 6 - Crikey 7 - Another Lez 8 - Marry me 9 - Back of the net, literally 10 - Crikey ! 11 - Kin ell This thread was brought to you in conjunction with Bernard Manning, Jim Davidson, Alf Garnett and Roy Chubby Brown.
Kin ell. Have a day off. I'll be watching it alongside Surrey v York's. Do you not think it works the other way round. If you don't then you're deluded.
Oh dear. I thought it was too good to be true when the shirt price thread got 20 replies without any stuff like the OP.
You can get into trouble these days just for saying Bernard Manning used to be funny!!. And people then just try to bite your head off.
Without looking at the rest of your list can I just say if 8 is t interested in you could you pass my number on please. Absolutely stunning. And a bloody brilliant footballer too
Well you look at Cliff Richard and seem to be able to spot one straight away. And he isn't a criminal.
"he'd be my bet if we were running a "secret wrong 'un" sweepstakes" So you meant that he might be a criminal? What type of criminal?
It was just a jokey comment based on his incredibly bland and whiter than white public persona. I note you're deliberately omitting the first part of my post, I don't actually think Cliff Richard might be a criminal any more than I think you might be a criminal.
Perhaps the OP was just making a jokey comment too. Rather than being judged by others who do the same thing in other posts but don't afford others the same kind of slack. You were quite prepared to judge my hero Cliff Richard as a wrong un purely and simply by your sight of him. Presumably he has the look of a paedophile. Which we all now know he isn't. But mud slung by certain people tends to stick. I wonder how prejudiced you are upon sight of others. Anyway, "The Day I met Marie" is a classic. She tossed her hair and tantalised. So there.