“I don’t just want to coast through my career”… this grates a little …. Why not make yourself league 1’s top scorer rather than play 50% of Luton’s matches? Other than that, good luck to him…
I agree Troff. Interestingly, before the Luton interest the general feeling (as I saw it) was that we would keep Morris, but we were resigned to losing Woodrow, Styles, Helik, Collins etc. Morris, our best player last season and the only outfield player who looked like he had any fight in him. Morris, who gives 100% and has many positive elements to his game. If anything, Morris was the most likely to go out of the lot. As you say, we have a financial shortfall to account for. As for the comms, I personally don't see a problem, i would just remove the alumni number as i don't see a need for it. But I don't really know what more people expect from a player sale article.
This all goes back to last summer and Conways ****** of a transfer window he was the catalyst for all of this.
Sorry mate, I don't think you understand the BBS rules, we are not allowed to speak common sense on here. Just stop it. Seriously I don't understand where some people get their ideas from. WE are in the 5h1te, the present board have worked hard to get rid of the charlatans that got us into this mess, now they have got to stabalise the club both on and off the field, if that means selling any players that were part of the team that got us relegated so be it, in my opinion obviously. They have signed an up and coming young English coach, who has brought in another young coach to help him, we have to give them all time to turn it round. It may take a season to start to see the results, It would be nice if we hit the ground running but in any event we have to be patient. I've seen worse than this and it came right in the end.
But you don’t know that for certain though. Just because Preston announced it, doesn’t mean Luton would. Also find it hard to believe that we would get a 24/25 year old striker from Norwich City on just 4k/week.
Hows it common sense. Both the Open and Media press conference were Nerrav Parekh and Jean Cryne spoke they said things would change. So instead of going Torry under David Cameron and keep talking about how we should blame those before we should do with Barnsley what people should have done with him and look at what he's done.
Well said. The club is more important than any player. Heading into uncertain economic times in the UK, the club need to protect itself. They’ve already clearly stated the need to sell. I’ll judge us come the end of the transfer window, and then again by Christmas. Morris is a bigger loss than Helik and Collins will be - but if he wanted to go then not much any club can do.
We were resigned because we weren’t clearing out our best striking options. But we have now, for a small amount that’s not even close to the suggested shortfall.
I don’t believe that either. Plenty of sites that list player salaries that should be taken with more than a pinch of salt.
Well I’m done on this thread. Too many people just expect to get shafted cos we’re Barnsley and accept it. What do other related clubs do? We can bump this thread at Christmas when we’ve a team of superstars snd we’re already 12 points clear at the top.
Watched all that at the time. I’m not going to trawl through two plus hours again - would you care to tell me what part of this suggested that we wouldn’t need to sell players?
1) 'Cos instalments are usually over multiple years and we are bleeding money now. 2) Why Not? They did last time. THE HATTERS BREAK TRANSFER RECORD TO SIGN SIMON SLUGA! | News | Luton Town FC