Has he anointed himself with the blood of a virgin, declared himself Emperor Supreme and implemented martial law yet? Not seen the news for 3 seconds.
Likely timetable now: Today: Baron Bombast continues to insist he is staying. Says everything is carrying on as normal. (Reality: SNAFU) Monday: 1922 Committee Executive elections. 'Boris outers' elected. Tuesday: Further vote of confidence in PM. Wednesday: National Day of Celebration and Thanksgiving.
Thursday: Calls for SAS to remove former PM from No. 10 Downing Street, where he has barricaded himself in.
Now I’m no expert on constitutional law, but Im not sure the vote of no confidence is in any way binding, he doesn’t have to step down. The queen could then intervene to tell him he no longer has her confidence, he theoretically could ignore that. Then someone else could approach the queen for permission to form a government. I don’t think this would be in anyones best interest, but I’m fairly sure that’s how it plays.
Followed by Johnson supporters invading the Houses of Parliament, some dressed as Pearly Kings singing knees up mother brown and Chas and Dave's back catalogue, waving union jacks...
I hope the Queen tries to stick her beak in because the ensuing constitutional crisis should see an end to the monarchy.
If he lays a finger on Larry the cat I think there will be a long queue of people behind @SuperTyke asking to borrow the gun Its embarrasing. Just come off a conference phone call with the Austrian Company I am contracted to - its a work call so always stick to the agenda apart from today Chair - "Morning Dave - now can you explain what is going on with your government... followed by much sniggering from the rest of the participants The only positive I can see at the moment is the black humour everywhere I particularly liked the person who pointed out the irony of the fact that the 1922 committee are going to change the rules so they can have a second vote once they realised they dont like the outcome from the first one
No second votes allowed for the Brexit mob. Once you've made one stupid decision you have to stick with it for ever and ever. Let Boris limp on in a stinking cloud of corruption, lies and ineptitude until the eelctorate have the chance to remove him.