Not sure if already posted but this is absolutely brilliant. Should be played on loudspeakers outside downing Street, the houses of parliament and the home of every fècking Tory mp
"I just hope we don't end up with a blacky prime minister next" Response from typical racist ***** when told bozo is going.
She truly is nothing more than a sh itstain on a student mattress. How anyone can take her seriously is beyond me.
down there with Fox JHB and the other lowlifes that go out of their way to generate outrage. Ive sometimes wondered if its a parody account its so ridiculous Mind you so is this parody propaganda rag - the spoofs Private Eye used to do now look positively tame compared to the real thing As for its front page which has the headline "THE HELL HAVE THEY DONE!" in shouty capitals I'd be more embarrased to be caught with that in my hands than a Sheffield Wednesday match program The rumour on the latest email of a well known gossip site is when he went to hospital he wasn't have his sinuses sorted, he was having the snip. If that's true it's wise of him.
It's good reading leaks of supposed injunctions on stuff, like Googling the name Matthew Mcgreevy and seeing the dirt on Phillip Schofield Boris still has some supporters, but then he did sack her ex so she must have enjoyed that.
Hoping he is only in the top 6 in a few days time or worst case by October - unless Suella or Priti get it