Rumours he's going to be putting his hat in the ring. A massive, throbbing tool of the highest order. But still much, much better than Priti Patel.
I was just having the same thought. There's a game in there somewhere, lower league footballer or Tory MP.
Jake berry does sound more like a footballer than a MP i would have definatly gone footballer and lost that round.
He can't be worse than Suella Braverman. She is the most typical and awful Tory, who obviously has absolutely zero self awareness if she thinks she is what the country needs.
Never heard of him! I opened the thread thinking it might be a striker we were after! The initial description did nothing to dissuade me either!
I've just checked her positions. She appears to make Patel look moderate. I went to university with Berry. He was an entitled, arrogant **** stain. I have little reason to believe that he's changed.
Trouble is the final decision is down to the over 65 mostly white male racists who are the majority of the Tory Party membership The good thing is it means non whites like Braverman and Patel and probably Sunak have no chance unless the MP's contrive to put 2 of them up for the faithfull to chose between whoever they pick I wont be happy - of the cabinet as it was last week there is probably only Wallace I have any time at all for but he isnt rabid enough for the part faithful - more likely to be thatcher wannabees Mordant or Pork Markets