From The Guardian... ‘A spokesperson for Boris Johnson said reports that he is planning to stand down as Prime Minister on Monday in order to run again for Tory leader are completely untrue.’ No. No. No.
Don’t know if this has been started to grow someone’s own profile or get online clout, but the rules are pretty clear that a leader who resigns can’t then enter the following leadership contest.
I was probably 8 years old at this point so not sure. Saw someone share the page of the ‘rules’ that shows this can’t happen though. Unless I’ve been duped.
Didn't Redwood challenge him? So more akin to Owen Smith launching his coup against Corbyn. Not sure if the tories still have the rules in place allowing this. Can't check at the moment though, so going from memory!
That would not surprise me at all. The most frightening thing is that apparently he can still call a general election, which I hope he does
Pretty certain that John Major didn't resign and that Redwood was a challenge to his leadership (in the same way that Heseltine was a challenge to Thatchers leadership, she only stepped down afterwards when the result was close an she felt she had lost the support of the party, which then brought us John Major)
He hasn’t actually resigned. Just given some waffle about an intention to resign. He's deluded enough to think he could do something like this.
As it stands today Chris Pincher is still an MP. Bozo Johnson is still PM. They are laughing at everyone still
I hope he calls a general election and wins. Just so I can stick two fingers up at all the w@nkers that have made me feel like 5hit for last umpteen months. Nowt to do with politics.
He 'stood down' ahead of the 1922 changing the no confidence vote rule. I think he's done and this is just media waffle.
What's also bad news is how all those wanting to be the next PM voted to sack our wonderful NHS staff by forcing something on them and wanted the nation to be tracked with vaccine passports to get in places.
Politics aside. I don't think anybody should be in favour of a Doctor or Health Care assistant not being fully vaccinated. So I agree with those politicians voting in favour. It would save on all the compo. Your relative dies. Were the team vaccinated? No! Where do (insert your CEO) we sign?
I think that's too much of a generalisation, surely there's a personal reason each individual decided between themselves and their own doctor - it's not as though they haven't seen it first hand?
Your relative dies of influenza? Were every hospital worker who treated them vaccinated? No! people di of all sorts of things every day. There are vaccines for many of these things, not readily available but they exist. Do we force all medical personnel to be vaccinated against every one? Nope