Yeah I think he's been there a couple of years hasn't he?..... I can only assume that he has some very good mates!!
He seems to have had a good career in the states. He was a bad footballer for us though. And for me the worst I've ever seen. But not just because of his lack of footballing prowess, and distinct lack of effort. He also didn't seem like a particularly nice bloke either. We actually signed him 5 minutes into a January transfer window. I recall checking my phone just after midnight on New Year's Day 2014, in a pub in Leeds, to the news that we'd signed Brek. Proof then, that doing your business as early as possible in a transfer window isn't necessarily an advantage.
He tried to be a flair player but he didn’t have the ability. Presumably he’s improved now he’s in the same side as Higuain
Higuain is a designated player though, he will be one of 3 players on mega, mega bucks. Shea will just be there because of his nationality
Also as said above, one of the worst players ive ever seen for tarn. But he was youngish and it doesnt always work out etc. Havent seen him play but assume hes come on a bit as a player since then, just hope he has as a person too
He turned 24 whilst playing for us. So he was older than the likes of Callum Styles, Daryl Dike, Cauley Woodrow and Brad Collins when we signed them. I can excuse being a poor footballer, if you put the effort in. But Brek was just plodding around and backing out of challenges.
Remember that season when we lost 5-0 at Adam Hammill's Huddersfield!. Shea was one of a few players who had a bit of a barny with our fans, so I wonder what we were shouting at him.
Wasn’t that when Dawson went arguing with our fans too at end of game . Shea was up with Frimpong , a bit of a reputation but along with Frimpong one of the worst and laziest players I’ve seen play for us
Yeah it was probably a few of them who din't like a bit of harsh criticism. So I think comments and hand gestures etc, were made back and forth. As for Manu Pingpong, I saw enough of him on his debut at Sheffdy Wendy, to realise why he wasn't in Arsenal's first team lol.
I follow the MLS a bit. Not sure who to adopt as my MLS team though. But I've seen Brek play a few times and he's put some decent performances in. In fairness to him, that team he played in was gash. All as bad as each other.