there will be a flurry of that now from the 'weaker' candidates being bought off by offers of good jobs from the stronger ones if they get in
It happens all the time, though often out of view. What will also happen is this toxic nasty smearing and campaigning will continue until they get the final to the final one and they will all unify as if nothing has happened. And obviously pretend Johnson was amazing, the last 12 years have been an incredible success but that its the start of an even more amazing period.
I think it will be Sunak vs Truss in the members ballot and Truss will win because the party members won't want a brown PM.
If the situation was not so serious I’d want Dizzy Lizzy the blonde block of wood. What a laugh she would be. But in all honesty there is not one that will be of benefit to any of us.
Loving the fact that Rees-Mogg and Dorries have just said that Liz Truss is a fervent brexiteer. This Liz Truss
You know I think the world of you, Dave, old mate. However, I can't bring myself to take part in this particular vote.
Mordaunt for me, only because with her ties to the Navy she may decide not to rape and pillage the armed forces.
Love how the forum's anti-abortion poster has gone for Priti Patel. Pro-life, unless it's brown and crossing a sea in a dinghy.
It's hilarious that the bloke who wanted to expel all Russian citizens from the UK is being cast as the moderate in the bunch. Jesus Christ, what a crew.
I don't want her then. Cameron stood down because he was a remainer. Last thing I want is another leader without principles.