25 year old Peterborough United midfielder. We're after him according to Barry Fry. He's turned down an approach from a league 1 club. Previously worked under Duff at Cheltenham. https://the72.co.uk/2022/07/13/barr...s-peterborough-united-man-turns-down-l1-club/
https://www.soccerbase.com/players/player.sd?player_id=86939&season_id=154 Loads of games last season. Plenty of league one experience and in his mid 20s. Looks like someone we'd be interested in based on those we've already signed this summer.
Two brooms hanging abart in a closet decide to get married, the bride broom sed to the groom broom at the reception, im gunner av a little whisk broom, IMPOSSILE sed the groom broom, WE AV'NT EVEN SWEPT TOGETHER
If you check the official website for the current First Team, including temporarily promoted U23s, the Goalkeeper, Defender and Midfielder positions are overflowing with bodies. The Forward section is like Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. I know this will all change when the official squad is settled, but I'd like to see some incomings upfront before our next friendlies.