It's worrying, we're a family of 5 and the cost of our weekly food shop is ridiculous. We shop at both Aldi and Lidl but even some of their prices have gone up considerably.
Heron is a decent shop for the food bargains. Also fultons foods…. Topped up by market purchases brings the shopping bill right down.
Morrisons prices appear to have gone up suddenly, whereas everyone else's have risen over time. I saw an article a couple of weeks ago, where they check weekly to see which supermarket is cheapest for a group of staple items. One week, Morrisons was the cheapest, and two weeks later, they were the most expensive. Its as though they've tried to be fair, lost a ton of money, and now are trying to recoup it instantly.
Wonder if any of this is linked to the fact Morrisons we’re bought by an American equity firm (CD&R), who have already announced selling off non supermarket properties for £500m. Interestingly the same group also own MFG the largest independent Petrol Station chain in UK and recently just bought McColls Newsagents.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to feed a family of 5. we're moderately ok financially and there's just 3 of us, and we're seeing a huge difference in cost of living.
I used to find Asda the cheapest of the traditional supermarkets, but now it seems to be the most expensive for my typical purchases. Went in a couple of months back and couldn’t believe how much it set me back. Did my shop yesterday and split it between B&M, Tesco and Aldi at Stairfoot. Getting the cheapest from each of a few stores is the only way to go these days
I'm changing jobs shortly mate and doing something slightly different. The new role I'm moving into is more money but I probably won't get as much job satisfaction. Unfortunately given our situation I don't have a choice as we need the extra money.