Can you be proud to be white,English,straight and male? Sorry in advance if I’ve offended anyone but I’m not sorry for being white,English,straight and male.
This is the right way to look at it IMO. I used to look at it from a perspective of these days/weeks/events as being an effort to draw attention to a section of society, to put themselves "in your face" but as I've aged and found myself interacting more with minorities (race, religion, sexual orientation, whatever) I've come to realise that it's more a chance for people of a similar mind/persuasion to come together and celebrate the fact that they're able to be themselves, that society is more accepting of them. Above all else, it's harmless, a celebration and one to which any non prejudiced person would be welcomed with open arms. The argument that there is no such day for white, middle aged, working class men is kind of stale when you think about it - we've always been acknowledged within society. We've never been marginalised, at least not seriously. Yes, as football fans we've suffered being portrayed as violent yobs etc but for the most part our place in society has been fairly privileged for a long time.
Hi Come on Tarn, first point, yes you can and secondly, no need to be sorry. I also believe you don't mind those who aren't any of the above,too.
I think you can do that every day. You won't have lost your job or been discriminated against for being white and/or straight. Or been leered at or attacked for holding you significant other's hand. I think the point of pride is to acknowledge the discrimination, celebrate the progress they have made and keep the political pressure on for everyone to be treated with respect.
Great post! And I hope at least one person reads it, understands it, and changes their mindset too as a result!
Spot on analogy. Well written. Us old uns are learning all the time. There's lots we can learn from the younger generations. Older doesn't always mean wiser.
Just this. As someone once wrote "Time is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends"
I think we focus on other people that don't matter too much. Take people at face value. If you're not that way inclined give Barnsley Pride a miss. If you are. Good luck to you. It isn't my cup of tea. However, as other posters have mentioned. I've learnt to accept gay people over the years. Being gay doesn't change people as humans. I think rather than persecute and be bigoted. Just give it a wide berth as it doesn't change you. Just get on with your own life.
The main point of pride is to celebrate diversity and encourage acceptance. So pretty sure a white, straight male would be welcome at most pride events. And no one is suggesting you have to apologise for being white, English and straight you tool.
Do you know the difference between a Staight Guy and a Gay Guy according to a few of my Gay friends they say It's usually about 9 pints of Stella lol