Just that, keep debates friendly disagree by all means but dont gang up and turn on someone for having a different opinion. I have been agressive in my responses to some posters in the past and i have had the same in return. It is a horrible feeling being on the end of it, just think about how you reply before you press the send button. Not sure why ive posted this but hopefuĺy it helps someone, even a WUM is better off without a backlash.
No excuse for a pile on though, which is evidenced fairly regularly. If someone has made the point you were about to make, there's no need to repeat it, especially if another poster has already backed it up. I saw one today where a guy questioned a poster again after a load of responses and the poster giving a reasonable explanation. Why? In my eyes some people get a kick out of trying to make orhers feel bad/alienated. Whereas reasonable posters will accept the explanation (if reasonable) and move on. It's just opinion at the end of the day, but there's a lot to be said for how we conduct ourselves when giving our opinion, and the motives behind it.
This is also true, that also comes under my comment above ('there's a lot to be said for how we conduct ourselves when giving our opinion, and the motives behind it'). Still doesn't excuse the pile on.
This point would be a good one - the only problem is certain people on here are WUMs, and they comment on certain things with the full intention of getting people riled up in their replies. You can't tell people not to put their point across just because someone else said something similar
This is something that is important to me as I got called a WUM and a cxnt previously and I am neither, i had an opinion against the majority and i fought my corner until i had to admit defeat and stopped. I also remember where I called the old Hemsworth tyke a few names and told him to fxck off in no uncertain terms. I look back and regret that. I now approach this forum that i love being part in a different way and Im more careful now about what i post, who i reply to and which threads i get involved in, which is a shame.
I'd suggest that if someone posts views that are racist, anti Semitic, misogynist and generally perceived to be offensive, everyone has the right to call out these 'views'. Whether that be one other poster, or one hundred.
The difference being of course that you always conduct yourself with respect and offer measured responses. As does @Old Goat
If someone makes a point and puts it in public view then imo everyone who reads it has a right to reply . I don’t want anyone speaking for me I want to air my own opinion whether popular with lots of other posters or not . If you don’t want your opinion challenged then don’t post imo . I don’t go along with this ganging up scenario at all , it’s not ganging up it’s different people having different or similar views . I’ve posted unpopular opinions as well as popular ones and I don’t expect certain posters to speak for the board I expect different opinions or similar opinions whichever and I’ll stand my ground if I think I’m right or aknowledge if I think I’m wrong . Imo if you don’t want your thoughts to be challenged by every member then don’t post .
It's not right. But I'll tell you what's wrong, repeatedly suggesting that individual is into young boys. It's wrong on every level - despite how funny or empowering some may find levelling the accusation against him. And people are murdered for it. Someone was killed a half a mile away from where i live, a disabled refugee who was consistently labelled a peaodophile and had no support from the community or services: https://www.disabilitynewsservice.c...-was-repeatedly-failed-by-council-and-police/ It's wrong, it needs to stop, and I'd ask the site admins to clamp down on it, it is a form of online hate and the consequences of such accusations - however much they are said in jest - can be devastating. If you don't like someone, put them on ignore, you will feel much better for it. But please don't suggest they're into young boys. And if you truly believed that about someone, report it.
Its not ok to post any old bilge and not expect rrsponses. Does he have carte blanche to post whatever he wants?
He expects responses I'm sure. Does he deserve for people to suggest he is into young boys for having different (mostly sports) views to most people? No. We can't claim to be this inclusive, supportive space (of which there are many examples of care, support and generosity on here), have a strong onus (rightfully) on mental wellbeing, and turn a blind eye to these casual insinuations of paedophilia. It's hateful. We could call it, in the modern fashion, 'online hate'. In fact, every time i see the 'young boys' thing aimed at that individual I'm reporting it to admins and calling it out, because who knows where it could lead. Some people take this stuff at face value, and if you repeat something enough mud sticks. Let's cut out the hate and bring back some love. Or just put people who wind you up on 'ignore.'
Who says he is into young boys? From.what i read and see he doesnt like us signing anyone over the age of 22.