Today was bad, tomorrow will be torture & as for Tuesday it will be a killer (not literally) Take care folkes. Watter is the key.
And with hayfever and getting tanned/burned easily as well, this is why the summer is my least favourite time of the year.
Sadly, I can imagine it will ‘literally’ be a killer. We’ve already had kids dying in open water, a woman killed by her own dogs in West Melton rumoured to be due to the dogs going crazy in the warm weather - and it wasn’t even massively unseasonably hot up to now. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be hotter than we’ve ever known around here - the roads and paths will literally melt. It’s not going to be hotter than it is in many places abroad quite often, but we aren’t setup for it. It’s forecast to be hotter in donny on Tuesday than london and pretty much anywhere else in the country. Oh good… We will read or hear about deaths caused directly or indirectly by the heat.
Well I stayed in a lot of it, (a) because I was watching the cricket and (b) because I know it was too bloody warm for me,and the next two days certainly will be. Don’t like it this hot, never have , I prefer temperatures when you can actually do stuff
Everyone get heat stroke because you want to look hard. Or, people can make decisions that suit them without judgement.
Don't leave the house stay indoors if you have a cellar move down there. fill the bath with ice and water and stay there for 3 days exposure to the sun for more than two hours will be a risk of life event. keep the kids indoors don't let them go to school. ....... two weeks later jets off on holiday for two weeks to Greece etc. lays on a sun lounger on the beach or round the pool in 90 ,100 degrees plus weather every day for 12 hours adding oil for the extra sizzle. gets back home back to work. tells anyone who they bump into weather was beautiful ,best time ever, already booked for next year
Haha. TBH the sun has failed to make an appearance here today. Been overcast all day with light rain at times.
I haven't got a pool. If I lay in my back garden can I jump in a bird bath? Also as much as I do enjoy it I sadly don't get to do 8 hours of manual labour when I'm in Greece. It's also much more humid in the UK than around the med which makes it much harder for the sweat to leave our bodies and I'm pretty sure in Greece I can pop inside to a nice air conditioned cafe, restaurant or even a shop to cool down or buy a chilled drink or ice cream every 50 metres. Good luck doing that here