My poor dog keeps going to the door and looking hopeful, but its,way too warm underfoot for his walk yet.
If you want a really good film that's topical try the Day the Earth Caught Fire. Fantastic British film made in the early 1960s. Found it on YouTube (full movie) at the weekend. Remember seeing it when I was a lot younger and I'm happy to say it's just as good now. No plot spoilers from me.
Temperature set to be above 30C till 11pm, I hope you've got one of those beacon lights on his collar.
I remember the ending was a bit of a 'Cop out' though. Edward Judd wasn't it ,who played the main character? Good film though and the London scenes were interesting from a video history PoV. As for the cause of the catastrophe, err...'slightly' overplayed the power of science over nature .