Reading her profile on Wiki she seems to have a solid background -father was professor of mathematics at Leeds Uni, mother member of CND both Socialis left leaning. She was President of Oxford University Lib Dems and expressed opinions that appear reasonable relating to equal opportunities, is not a supporter of "someone from one family being born to rule". She has written and lobbied for quite a few reasonable policies. Unfortunately, it is downhill from there. Within 2 years of her republican sentiment speech to Lib DEm Conference she up and joined the Conservatives. She displays opportunistic self serving tendencies having been pro-remain but switching to full on support post referendum. Most damning though, is that she opens her mouth before engaging brain which has landed her in hot water often in sensitive situations. She appears to lack the intuition to judge when to go on the attack. Her speeches and public persona are often embarrassing and misjudged. It is obvious that there is a brain, and an intelligent one, buried deep in there when you read the Wiki summary but she fails to use it much of the time. I can see why her bid for the PM'ship has gained traction since those on her side conveniently gloss over her glaringly obvious flaws. Nobody is perfect and we all have flaws but we are not all seeking to be Prime Minister of the UK. Don't know what to say when it comes to selecting a Leader of the country... For different reasons, not one person from any party fills me with any confidence or optimism for the future. And no, before the usual posters come on here saying it is nothing to do with me as I don't live in the UK anymore, we still pay tax in the UK in spite of being domiciled in Italy, not to mention immediate family in UK, and there are a number of areas where UK Govt decisions and policies can impact Brits living abroad.
The best analogy I've seen was directed at mad nad but is relevant to truss " truss is what happens when the ventriloquist dies and the dummy keeps talking "
She is the only person I have even heard of who voted remain who now supports Brexit- either she’s a liar or an opportunistic shyster. The best analogy I heard was she’s like someone who accidentally ate an edible and is trying to get through a job interview assessment day without anyone noticing.
The Torys seem to like the approach of having a foot-in-mouth, self centred, buffoon as their leader. after all its served them well recently and they seem untouchable when it comes to a general election. Maybe the Great British public like that flawed character who stumbles along the journey.
More likely that the public are either self-centred, I'm alright Jack types that couldn't care less about others on the poverty line, or alternatively thick as pigshit in believing everything the newspapers peddle on a daily basis...
I definitely think a bit of both, but its clear the media have the power now to dictate national decisions. Brexit and the Gen Election are two recent examples. Ive lost count of people who quote topics they voted for that were never part of any manifesto or defined / documented objective. The break up of the union is next.
I can cope with a different approach by someone such as the Tories, but what I can't cope with is lies and how in this society it has suddenly become acceptable for politicians to do it so blatantly and hardly anyone bat an eyelid. It is frightening. The fact Johnson was in for as long as he was is equally frightening. The future looks bleak unfortunately. I would hope Labour would get in but I don't feel like they will- and I don't think anyone in Labour is to blame for that either.
Labour firstly need to build a leadership team that people can connect with. I hate to say it but policy and manifesto is secondary in winning an election these days.
She has no charisma for the media, and I'm afraid you need that these days. Her speeches also all seem so stilted, or she's waiting for a clap or a laugh when it isn't coming. Not to mention the crap she speaks. The worst I have seen from a front line politician in sometime. Trouble is, I think she is our next PM. I can only hope for a GE sooner rather than later.
The problem is with a GE "soon" is that most of us have not a clue what the Labour policies consist of. Whether that is the fault of the Labour leadership, the media, or general apathy on the part of the general public I do not know. Neverthless, all I have seen from Starmer and Rayner is the usual thing you get from all politicians in opposition, spending all their time focussed on slating the Government (not that they did not have plenty of material to work with) Nevertheless the constant relentless focus on Partygate, BoJo and his absurd defence of Pincher only resulted in even more people being turned off by politicians and politics. The danger is that Labour are seen by many more as a protest group than a viable political oppsition party. They seem to be relyting on the fact that people will think 'anyone but the Conservatives' come election time and take office by 'default'. Also the criticism often aimed at them rightly or wrongly is that, in recent times, they failed to clearly outline how their various vote winning policy packages would be funded without raising taxes. Conservatives simply make a manifesto pledge at election time then ignore it once elected. Neither is the way to go about restoring the voting public's faith in the broken political system. The thought of Truss being elected to the office of PM by the Conservative Party members at this time with Ukraine/runaway inflation/cost of living/strike threats,/Climate/Covid still around crises to deal with, is a nightmare . The Labour Party and Starmer are an unknown quantity with no real indication of how they would deal with it all the above, (albeit unlikely that they could make things much worse than they are already) but as I said they have spent most of their time in 'attack mode' on the Govt rather than presenting workable policies to the public. The Greens and the Lib Dems are one or two policy parties, the latter following the same line as Labour focusing on The Conservatives. Neither are remotely electable. You may as well bring back Boris as at least we knew what we had!! (That was JOKE by the way)
The great British voting public that complain about the service of the NHS then return a Tory Governnent ? I rest my case .
There is no better time for a group of more ‘credible’ MPs to join forces, even multi party and create a new challenge. Any new party centrally between left and right could be a game changer. But only with the right leadership, character appeal and press backing. The Lib Dems previously sold out but that space is there for the taking. Brexit is a big agenda item. I voted remain as i didn't feel the gov would have what it takes to grow our nation through investment and innovation and negotiate the right deals. This is proving the case. But we need to still drive an agenda of investment and not just Foreign investment and selling off assets. We still need trade alliances. We as a nation are losing ground on Europe with wages, workers rights, innovation, manufacturing etc. Both the final two talk of their objective to win the next GE vs Labour. I would have thought their objective was less self centred and one about making this country successful, growth and serving the peoples needs.
I agree but they aren’t asking us to vote for them, it’s aimed directly at the Conservative members and they want to be in power. Personally a change of leader means change of the governments direction, so there should be a GE. Hopefully labour can pull a manifesto out of their collective backsides that will encourage the public to vote for them.
Ah! That old chestnut, beloved of the Daily Blackshirt and the other Tory media! Well there's no problem disagreeing with their policies, but you have to take the trouble to find out what they are. Here you go, Mr Tekky! Keir Starmer on rebuilding Labour, Tory leadership, and Brexit - The Rest Is Politics | Podcast on Spotify What you won't find is the fine economic detail just yet. But I put it to you that if Labour won in 2024/25, they might be facing very different scenarios depending upon whether Richi or Gloriana gets in!
Absolutely agree, but my point wasn't about lobbying for leadership, it was that they talk about personal / party objectives where winning a GE comes above the running of the country as it stands today. Its a given that the party members want to win GE and will vote for best person to do so. The personalities are more important than the politics.