I saw this at the bottom corner of the standing section near where we were sat, but couldn't quite figure what was going on. There were various stewards involved in discussion, and Khaled also got involved at one point (notable by his Sweden wristband as he walked past). At first I thought it was because there were people standing in that section, which I'd assumed was a seating area, but a mate of mine told me at half-time that it was a standing section, so not sure what the issue was to cause the problem.
A water bottle was thrown,personally it was fortunate it hit the top of the stand and luckily didn’t injure anyone.
Water bottle was launched in the general direction of the linesman. Thankfully it cleared the stand. Surprised as they took the top off my lucozade on the way in. I was frisked as well as sniffed by the drug dog. I'm 57.
Not looking forward to being sniffed by the dogs this season, the amount of CBD oil I'm rubbin in me knees is gonna send them on a right frenzy ....
Make sure they use plenty of lube when the inevitable runner glove is produced after the dogs has its frenzy and plod get all excited thinking they've caught Barnsley's answer to Pablo Escobar.