Contrary to popular belief I wanted to make this one a positive to start the new campaign, I'd hoped I would be able to, but as we sit here just over a week away from the season kicking off, unfortunately it isn't looking like it I'm afraid. After the disaster that was last season, the only way was up, or so it appeared that way. The long awaited boardroom reshuffle meant the removal of the destructively negligent Conway and the ghost that was Chien Lee, with Neerav Parekh, the Crynes and the newly appointed Julie Anne Quay taking the helm. The dark skies seemingly lifted over Oakwell, with Parekh asking the faithful to 'Judge them by their actions', those famous last words. The next task in hand would be to appoint a head coach who would hopefully steady the sinking ship, a ship full of unable deck hands. Rumours surfaced that we were looking at Michael Duff, a UK based, 2 club man, who had successfully got Cheltenham into League 1, then held their own, against most odds, whilst playing attractive football on a meagre budget. An astute option. It seemed to take an age to get the deal over the line, weeks passed with Khaled farting about. A theme we're becoming all too familiar with. If this guy was on the BBC's Apprentice, he'd have had the finger in week one. But credit where it's due, he got his man. However what followed was a calamitous press conference, but within the lagging streams and dodgy mics were words of hope. 'Sweat on the shirts' was Duffs mantra. With the satchel wearing Schopp & park the bus Poya firmly in the clubs history, home truths were told, the players were to take responsibility. The previous preseason saw anarchy. Departing staff forced to work their notice stood twiddling thumbs on the training ground whilst new staff were coming in to a toxic atmosphere. A Culture of 'pranks' and ill discipline from the players manifested throughout the set up, further influenced by our media who filmed and posted publicly this behaviour like it was something to celebrate. This time around, on the whole, a complete night and day affair. Duff ably assisted by the long awaited appointment of his sidekick Martin Paterson, who could be likened to the infamous SAS:Who Dares wins director of staff - Ant Middleton in manner. No prisoners would be taken under this regime, pranks eradicated, invasive media ousted, now a professional atmosphere, where every pass is expected to be done with pride and passion. The atmosphere of the Val era is back, whether this is enough to progress a hugely under strengthened squad, only time will tell. With a huge financial shortfall, this combined with a covid loan to be repaid, it was generally expected that the key players of recent times would be sold to bridge the gap, with Woodrow, Helik and Styles being the main 3. Woodrow soon enough left to join Luton Town, and whilst I believe for a relatively small sum, his wages would go a way to reducing the wage bill. Next to follow and which took most by surprise, leaving a 6'1 hole in the squad was Carlton Morris, who in my opinion was one of the most complete strikers Barnsley have had in recent years. He possessed outstanding technical ability, pacey, a good finisher with the ability to bring other players into play, however after feigning injury at the end of last season, and then the same again in pre-season, the writing was on the wall, he didn't want to injure himself and scupper any potential move out of the club. In came an influx of free signings, Searle, followed by Connell, Cundy, McCarthy, Cadden and the experienced Norwood, with only Connell and McCarthy on long term, 3 year contracts surprisingly. So far only Connell and McCarthy look like players of quality, based on games I have seen. The Jury is still out the rest: Searle an u23 keeper, the stiff mover in Cundy, an unfit Cadden , who on appearance looks straight out of the dog and duck league despite encouraging stats and the experienced Norwood, who unless proven otherwise is a personality signing to drive the characterless youth we currently possess, one who will be a bench impact player at most. We now arrive 10 days before the season starts, with news surfacing yesterday that Brittain, who may I add, looked back to his 20/21 best against Forest on Saturday would be signing for Blackburn. I can appreciate selling a few valuable assets to balance the books, but stripping the squad of every player of genuine quality is destined for mediocrity. The squad is now a RWB, CM and 2 x ST short, leaving a gaping hole of quality missing. In reality it could be said we need 3 x ST really, considering Iseka appears to be the laziest of all foreign signings, blaming the language barrier for his inadequacies with the club going to the extremes of appointing a translator to call his bluff. The lad can't even be bothered to learn the language basics, a year down the line, to improve his progression at the club, yet some would believe he's a main component of the forward line. Ultimately Duff had been sold a nice project, an exciting one, which tempted him away from his beloved Cheltenham, only for promises to be seemingly broken a month into pre season. Positions have been overloaded for the expected departure of Helik and Styles, yet here we are, the aforementioned players still at the club, with no funds available to strengthen the powderpuff attack, we're currently burdened with. We then move on to Khaled, who is currently doing his best impression of Homer Simpson, laid with feet up on the desk, whilst the power plant that is Oakwell, has a core meltdown. This man who on the surface was appointed on job history alone by the hapless Conway, which should have raised eyebrows to start with. Upon his appointment there were murmurs from fans of Djurgarden they weren't happy with his tenure. From the outside looking in, he would appear to be doing anything but his role, in arguably one of the most important seasons of recent times by rebuilding a squad, acting on promises to the new coach, whilst balancing the book for the board in terms of sensible player sales. Instead he's up cherry pickers, replacing the lettering on the Ponty, or doing sketch scenes with Toby Tyke, which may I add, made zero sense, considering the 'punchline' referred to the signing of Norwood which happened days previous. Burning the candle at both ends to support Duff is key, however he seems to be doing the complete opposite. Supposedly offering pointless suggestions for improvement are being floated about when in fact the inner working of the office environment should be running smoothly from the Murphy CEO era. Player recruitment should be the bread and butter, not creating gold sticker charts for the players. With only 4 saleable assets remaining, Duffs task is seemingly to identify and develop saleable assets within the current crop - with the hope this process is accelerated by free experienced additions on short term contracts. Whilst I trust he is more than capable of fulfilling his remit, he isn't a magician. The reality of this current crop is they'd be lucky to muster a top 10 finish, with the hope he polishes a few gems ready to shine the following season. I fully expect us to be vying for league position with his former club this coming season. Whilst that might fall within Duff's ship steadying remit. I feel many fans will be left frustrated and wanting more as a lowly finish isn't going to bring the fans back which should be a critical part of said remit.
Thanks for the read. I hope you get more respect on here than you did when you were spot on before last season. Couple of interesting comments about our media team
Wow, so even before a ball is kicked in the league you have systematically written everyone and everything off. Personally I disagree with most of what you have said, but then again what do I know
An eloquently put post. Credit where it's due. You were right last season. However, it didn't take much to see that Schopp was going to be a car crash. Just through the way he handled Herbie Kane as I believe you've just touched on. There are nine days to go though. I won't pounce like a few did last season. The trepidation is there because I am annoyed with the board so happy wait n' see as I'm impressed with Duff and the new recruits. If they sign a striker, central midfielder and right back. People might be singing a different tune this time next week. Who knows?
Couldnt have put it better myself... wouldnt really be arsed to type that much but yep, sounds bang on.... all under the guise of 'we dont wanna be derby do we'
Pretty much as I see things. It’s clear we had to sell but starting from scratch with freebie signings and no forwards of any note seems like a recipe for disaster. If we don’t add significantly to the squad it looks closer to bottom 6 than top b
@Robert_Goulet what background do you have if you don't mind me asking? I don't hang on every word but you must have some sort of footballing background.
Some good points made. However, how do you know this is the case? In reality, none of us know what was sold to Duff. I'm sure he was well aware of the need and likelihood of selling a number of players. For all we know, this is exactly what was sold to Duff and he was more than happy to do with it.
A more concise version, ‘When you spaff £10m up the wall and haven’t got the proverbial to pee in this is the result’
Last year was full of examples of things that were going wrong and highlighting specifics, whereas this is more of an opinion piece. That's the only positive I can take from it vs. last year's pre-warning, that it isn't 'the players are behaving like this' or 'xxx is damaging the dressing room'/'nobody has a clue'. Will be an interesting season that's for sure, but I remain hopeful we'll be competitive as I don't think our transfer business is finished and the drop in the division will help some of our players.