There’s been several accidents already. Nothing major but small collisions. I was held up by one the other day. On paper it seems to be working but part of me thinks that’s because people are avoiding it. I now go through dodworth & up keresforth hill instead of going down dodworth & turning right & it feels like everyone else has the same idea because that routes gradually got busier. I have a mate who lives in town who now goes to the Haigh junction to travel north rather than go up Dodworth Road.
Think a brilliant job has been done - trees preserved - excellent facilities in the Park. One thing I've noticed is that the time between one set of lights going to red and another set going to green is very short especially if coming toward the junction from Broadway and heading for Pog.
Last week there was a car in the yellow box at the broadway part of the scheme with all the doors open, ambers flashing, and airbags inflated.
I think the third time I used it I came from the M1 and had to go on Broadway, which isn't usual for me. I rounded the gyratory, was in the right hand lane and totally missed the left turn for Broadway (shoulda been in the left hand lane for this obviously). I then had to go back up Dodworth Road towards the M1 and turn around (someone's driveway) and go back round the gyratory. It was dark and i'd driven 3 hours, but still, it was a dumb thing to do. I could have swerved into the left hand lane last second first time around, but that could've been catastrophic. Sometimes missing your turn and going round again can save lives. In the cold light of day the turning is obvious to me now, but not so obvious on a dark, rainy night. I'm still unsure about the gyratory on the whole, but like they've preserved some greenery at least.
personally wouldn't go so far as to say brilliant job. for me so far, it's felt pretty chaotic. cars swinging from lane to lane in all directions. that might just be normal as people get used to it, but so far it feels like wacky races. as for the green space. it looks nice enough, but not sure how usable it is. bottom line is it's still a park stuck in the middle of a busy, noisy gyratory. if I lived there, I personally wouldn't use it.
People are thick as pigshit which is the main problem. They have got into the habit of relying solely on sat navs and not paying attention to the numerous signs up. Not just here, everywhere. You need to do both. The standard of driving has become worse in my opinion.
Broadway was always the way to get to Oakwell. Now at Dodworth it's through the train barriers and straight across. Come out up by Greenacre School and turn right there.
There’s really no need to be driving that way though. The roads are smaller, there’s more parked cars, and you’re driving though a residential area where there’s much more potential to have an accident, just to avoid a new road junction? A new road junction that seemingly works far better than it did before.
I use it every day and think it’s spot on, like a few have said people these days don’t use there common sense, as for those trying to turn right onto Broadway must either be blind or plank stupid as it’s clearly marked on the road and just the natural flow of traffic indicates your can’t turn right, the park is great for the kids and the open space will get some good use when people get used to it, I sometimes take/pick my daughter up from Horizon and it takes only a minute or so to get out and back on to the gyratory. Other than 8-9 and 4-6 the area is pretty quiet most days anyhow
Much better than it was! - at busy times the traffic would be backing up to the Hospital. Park busy - is there a short cycle track there? re. the time lapse between the lights - think it's pretty tight between green on Broadway and red on Dodworth Road going towards town.
I do this most times, but mostly to save fuel pootling along at 30/40mph. I’ve been round the gyratory twice today though and didn’t see any issues. Unlike last night when I zipped down the M1 to Birdwell and found the exit shut while they cut the grass at the side of the carriageway! Had to go to Thorpe Hesley and come back up through Hoyland.
From the M1 I used to turn right on Broadway, down Park Rd, Cemetery Rd to pick up Donny Rd. I now go straight down Dodworth Rd to Town End and on Westway, Sheffield Rd to pick up Donny Rd. You're almost in town by the time you get to the end of the gyratory. Seems a lot freer flowing though.
I've only tackled it once, using my sat nav. As I approached, my sat nav decided to do an auto update However, the internet connection in that area is not that good, so the update was interru
Try Birdwell to hoyland .Still people get in wrong lane and diagonally cross in front of you to achieve thrte destination
Worst designed road layout in England that junction. 3 lanes that go into 5 yet one lane (the shortest one too) has to service 3 lanes. Absolute madness
Much better than before! Not sure if they have it right with the time lapse with all the traffic lights! Go through the system daily and it's very tight when coming from Broadway heading for Pogmoor.