Itv4 at 9pm but repeated on ITV1, or channel 3 in old money, at 11:15. Be interesting when they schedule it on itv1 when the premier league starts. Suspect they’ll put it on right as motd finishes on bbc1.
Ah so if I want the HD version I have to wait until later - thats fine as I usually video it and watch it later anyway when I can fast forward through the talking and adverts
Remember when the Bbc missed a big opportunity with the Football league show. As it never took off and was a real disappointment. It was shown straight after Match of the day, in what looked like the Crimewatch Uk set. And it was presented by Manish and the appalling dull Walking dead zombie boss Steve Claridge. And the other pundit was Leroy Rosenior, who always talked a lot but said absolutely nothing!.